Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 204, 6 September 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 [ADVERTISEMENT]

THOS- LINDSAY 308 M?rchāui Str»et, Honolula NfW St"rt. neu Jrur!ry G Silrer and Diamond. i Jewelry Manufactare to or«ler. W»tches c!eaued «ml repaireil in and inspcet.^5 se4-tf. POUND MASTEK S N0TICE Nouoi t» bervbr g;rea to »11 pemoa th*t tbere are u tbe Ooiemmeni Poniul u Uikiki, one str»re<i gu», »a-i 4 1 red su»re. «bite spot on sho tor*ho»il br»n i indiecrib»bie oa tbe rigbl hin i teg (ore (eet »re tbud. I hhiok co«r. big «bite *pot oa tbe beliy, br»n>i mdiscnb*tTe oa Ug. I pineo oc«. bran>i nd»onb*bi,'>i. I re<i c»«. «tut« »p>'t on tbe beliy. an>i br»ndcd R on left biod !e«I c*lf, U»Ting not br»udci. Any pemon »r pereon» o«mng tbeee «ninui, in mjae»feti to eooie »nd Uke tbe «une >n or be(ore 13 ooloek noos, SATl'KDAY. SEFT. 15, iSW. JAMES KUKONA. Ponnd Ui»tft M»kiki, Sept. 1, 1V.M. aept. 1-1«. PANĪHEON SALOON, FORT ASD HOTEF. STS. Heaiaūarters Eolemme Ekwhi Co. rn« Largcst Consignment of Beer that ever*arnved hcre, uovr on Draught 1. DODD, Prop'r MEDEIROS \ Co. >Ierohant Tallors. AmenoAn, £ngli»h &n i Scotch Tvree<Ls on b*nd. Fir»t-cl»m «ork guar»nteed. Ilotel St., nnder Arlington Hotel BU>ck, Honolnln. S. DECK£K. M»iuger. jy 17-lmon. Gusf. A. Mauer, HAWAIIAN HOTEL BARBER Ladies ShampooinQ a sp€cial(y. Honolulu. aug4. Removal ! Hustace & Co, HAVE moved T0 Morgan’s - Auction - Rooms (or a «bort time. 'Vt are»tlll «elling Departure Bay COAL CHARCOAL, ALGEROBA and KINDLING WOOD in »nj qa»ntltT Botb Tclephones 414 »n4 Hong Branch -8AT«mGEstabiishment. Tbis Firsl-€las8 Bithing R**sort haa heen eniarged aad ia now open to tbe pahiie, It ia the he«t piaee on tbe isiands to enjoy a Batb. and tbere ia no better olaee to !ay off. Special »ccoomodationa for Ladies. Tr»mcara p»aa the door every balfhour, and oo Satardaya and Sund»ys every fifteen mmate». C. J. SHERWOOD, jy24 Proprietor. IUTI B! MH! 1E8, WIIL eniOmmapiiae. ahennut:«n Cium, 'Jpxi?, ill Mm ilmo, peoale C»api»>oU- aod nie» la tbe «ont torm. Hope» are csi«tiio«4 Out 1: wUI c«r< Lm«T. Tbej «re V(f(tahl< Sff4lf« aad ee: be aMd by tbe bmm4 dedc»te »ol Uie rwon ehikL a. P L ee 3.*3; hla **• »B- 3o>d by TKr» Jf%**Jl#W»T, IH Kl»( («r<et, Wa BIodt. nnder Hannon» Hail. /Lmoialu. New Japan Market. 367 ilaunniea Street. Frcsh Meat on Ice 4 Pound 2oCts. 8wini, M»nager. augl