Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 205, 7 September 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

LA0IE8’ COLUMN. We are not at all sarpris«d »i onr increased tr*de— »t's the goods aml pric93 th»t h»re brooght it »11 »boot. We L»re adopted the poIicy of qaick sales »nd sm»ll profits—it’s a first r»te ;policy for both the boyer and •seller. It means TRUE ECONOMY—gtKxl tbīngs need not be ; bigh priced. There is a certain hard wall of facts and figures howeTer, that stands between possibility and ' |prodigal promises. There are certain prices below whieh no good, konest article oan be booght. Those prices are our's, — ifyou pay less yon will certainly get less. This is a plain statemcnt worth rememl>ering. We don't know wh»t got into , |ihe factory for they have sent us enouph LA1>1ES, SHIRT WAISTS to supply every Iady on tbese lslands. We must get rid of them. Come in and take your piok. Tbey all eame on the last steamer and are new desigus and i patterns. You are paying more for Cl'RTAlNSat tho public aueiion than we are askiug. We have NOTTINGHAMS at, $1.50. MADRAS, BULARI0N, RAW SILK. ORIENTAL, ANTIQUES ETC,. ' ETC., —we intend that they shall be sold, so now is a good timo to buy them. The same advice will stand good throngh every department of onr house. When you eall, take a look at our TOWELS and TOWELLING CRETONNES andFURNTTURE COVERLNGS. Also our C0MFORTERS at $1. B. F. EHLERS & C0. The White House! 118 Xuuanu Avenue, HONOLULU, HAWAllAN ISLAN0S \ Fii$-cla$ [loo^ IX EVERY RESPECT. Rooms from $1-50 lo $3.00 per Weet or 50c. per DayPAUL LEMKE, PROPRIATOR. Bell Telephone 132. aug 22 POUXD MASTEH S XOTICE. Notice U hereby given to all penoan lhat there &re at tbe Goremmeat Poaml at Makiki, »ix strayed horses, 1 re«l bor*e, wbite »pot on tbe forebc«d, branded J K N on the left bind lt)f, poor!v condition. 1 white boree, branded A C on the le(t bind ieg, poorly conditlon. 1 blaek horeē, branded Ton the lett hlud !eg. 1 red hor»e. whlte »pot on the back, branded J K on tfae ru;bt hind le^. 1 wbltc bor»e. brand indis*‘ribablc on the risbt hind leg. pooriy eonoilion. i hor»e, wfaite »pot on tbe forehead. tbrec vhite feet, brand indi-eril«able on tbc Iefl hind leg. Any per»on or p«rson» owing tbe»c borses are re<jae»ted to eome and take the *amc on or before 12 o'eloek noon 8ATURUAY. SEPTEMBEH 9, isw JAMES KUKONA, Ponnd Maater. Makiki, Aug. 27. ISM. ang 27-1 wdly NOTICE TO Visitcrs. Pieiie Parties, Lnans —A.VD-— OENEKAL PUBLICI Ar Sm ith's Bcs axd L:veky Stable, Kixo Stbeet. [Adjoining Metropolitac Meat Market.j 1» ihe Cheapest Piaee in Tuwn yon ean get BtrMea, Wagonede», Boggiei and Saddle Hon». It viil ptj joti to emll «« besore yon try ebewheie. Mutn»l Telephone 408 angl-tf 290 Ring Up 290 United Carriage Oompany, M. REIS l J.C. QUINN POUXD MASTER S XOTICE. Xoti<» » bereiy given to all peuoa» th«e are at the GovenuBeat PoauU *t Makiki, Iwo stnyed baUa. I Waek bnil fataaded Ron r«bt himl Wg. | pioeo baU bras>l nMfasenbabfe on — |*g. Any penon or penona owing theae bulU aoeaUei to eonae and take the aame on >» 12 o’eloek noon, SATURDAY, 8EPT. 15, IW4. JAU£S KUKO.N’A, Pcaad lleew. Makiki. Ang. 30, 1«M. »ag»-Iwdy