Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 205, 7 September 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


The sb.»rj'8hooters shoot. «t the KakaaLo mnge, tomorroir for | | j>rizes. Smith’s bosses were crowded «II dav vesterdav on their vov- * • J # 7 ages to va rtty*6 inland ports. Thc Jups aru now iutrodncing . i “lady barbers” into the the ton- ) sorial bn»iness ' Ministera of religmn are re- : I qnested to retarn their iicences | to gnnt marriage licenses. The reorganized Healuni Boat I Clob will mect next Tuesday in-1 steud of tonight as previoagly advertised ' Adakeof Mcckleuburg Schweriu is said to on board the Alexandiiue in the capacity of lieatenant of ruarines. I The “to jadge by ontside ap- j pearances” proverb, is very up- j plieahle to the apparentlv rain- | laden skies these days. The Aagast namber of tbe | “Paradise of the Pacific' 5 is al- i most ready for pablication. Tbcre will be a dance this eve- : uiug at the Hotel compliment«iy to the oflicers of the German war-vessels in port. The AlleuA Robinson building on Qaeeu street opposite Kaahumaua street is rapidly approachiug completion. - Mrs. Thirds lecture ou “Uni- j versal Brotberhood“ takes ! plaee this evening, at 8oclock, | at Foster hall. Everybody wel- | eome. — The eleeiion of oflicers of the | “Young Hawaiians” will take plaeo this evening at Y. M. C. A. hall. i Au amasing '‘bnsiness” letter | from the “kid” Hawaiian consalgeneral at San Francisco, has Iately been received and may be ,published. I “Times change aud men change witb them.” Waterhoase is now actively ongaged in obtaining men to aid In the restoration of the “Queen.” The bktue S. N. Castle captaiu Hubbard, sailed yestenlay for ! San Francisco with a smallcargo of sugar, rice and molasses valned at $31,446. The Bronson aueiiou sale held by L. J. Levey this morning was well attended and the many beautiful urticles high ! prices. Tbe members of tbe Y. M. C. A. met in monthly meeting, yesterd«y evening, and parted as friendly as uaual. No important business transacted. | The S. N. Castle took five pas- ( sengers forward to San Francisco viz: Mrs. C. H. Eldredge and daughter, Mre. Tannatt, Mis« Lampman aud Miss Steveus. The pork saosages whieh «r« i made by that well-known family i batcber Jos Tinker, aro a neeeai sary adjonct to the breakfaat meal of every well-regalated family m town. A trial woold, j almost, convince » high-caste Uindoo. - - A detail of extra horee-cara awaited on the cornor of Beritania and Fort str©ets an expected crowd for the band concerl at the Hotei. Botu manager and drivere were painfally disappointed by tbo non-arrival of tbe eiepeeieU passengere, and returned. siable1 { ward, emply. 1 I j Captain Drew of ihe bark An- ' drew Weleh is charged. by a felI low-passenger of unfortunate voung W«gner, (vho waa drown- : ed ofif pori hero from the veesel) with groes neglect and ineompetenoy in ihe maiier of aiiempk iio rescue. The matter is to be investigated in San Francusoo ; and some people bgre who bave knowledge of the &ffair may be summoned. The AditrU*fr pablisbed tbe Captain's story ai the time.

The bark C. D. Bryant. wiii, - fux>b«bly, leave (or S.-vnFranciaco toraorrow • - ■-- - > Aasistant tax-asse8Sor Wee«lon is ont on a tonr of investigation and collection. The usuai band eoneeii will be given at Emma Sqnare. tomorrow afteruooD. comraencing at . 4:30 o'eloek. No baseball tomorrow, bot the Association management still stay in office. A pnblic Uand concert williike pluee ut Thomas Sqnare this eveoing No uew pieces. Tbe registnition of prospective votere goes on slowīy at an ex peuse to tax payere of over $30 I ptr day. An existing vacancy in tbe Board of Registry bas been filled I by the appointment of one, H. C. Meyers, a Iate arrival and who never used a gun. Abont one hundred and fiftv peopia. ruostly men from the warehips iu port, attended the ■ complimentary concsrt at the i Hotel groonds last evening. ■ 1 ■ Tiie Athletic Clab has decided not to liave a fie!d-s;»orts-duy this month. Tbat “tired feeling” seema already to be coming over the new olub. Tlie co!lier Melrose arrived yesterday frora Newcastle N. S. W. in a57 days passage. She eomea consigned to W. G. Irwin i A Co. Tho complimentary concert to ; be givento H.B.M Commissioner, I Captaiu Hawes will occur on Friday eveuing of next week. • ~ Tbe Natiorjal Band boys wili be tbe performers at the eomplimentary dance given by Hon. H. A. Widemann at the Hotel, this ■evening. The Chief Engineer might utilize some of his spare time by gettiug a map of this city and re-districting the city into fire ■ warda. The Honolulu Iron Works, Lucas’ mill, and the lee Works wbistles have all bfeen engaged to give the rally alanu to the Republicaus. The “Act to Mitigate” is aiding in the establisbment of several honses of eall, on Nuuanu street, opposite the Ccmmercial Hoiel. The steamor Australiafrom San Fraocisco with news and mail dates to the lst iust. will be due here toraorrow. Her presence will probably bo telephoned at 6.45 a.m. An alarm of fire was turued in about 6:30 o'eloek last evening from ward 2 for a slight fire in a oative bouse in Dowsett lane, Palama. The sngines arrived after the flre was out. Damage about $5.00. Se\ , eral wrecks are reported along tbe streets through whieh the telepboue wires nin. The '‘small boy” is a strong advocate for nudergronnd serrice, eapeeially during ihe kiie season. Mn. Thomas Lloyd while atiempting to tnrn her boggy ooi of ihe c»r tracks on Kiug near Nonann street yesterday afternoon met wiih an aocīdeni in the fall of the horee and whieh nearly a|>set the vehicle. Jadge Bronson, and othere who were near, qnickly rendered assistance in aiding and reiaining Bocephalus in the tracee uniil trackable.