Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 205, 7 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

K.AHULUi r fAK\il. Sv« Si|(q. pkopuiatoe 7-tf - FOR SALE IaU T«rrier i>nps oat of tke best iaiponed stock. "Psdge"tbe motber is oi ti>e ' icest hghacg stock and •’Hoanee' tke sīre ■ a •‘eheweK’ from the vord “go. - ' The inen mre elieihle for registr»tioo and the iedigree of tte p*rentm is eqn«l to th*t betd i >y anv Dogs in tbe Coantrr. Parde» wan- ; ing a eaUle dog or a bog dog wiU do well to uapeei this ]itter. Enqnire >t tfae Ancbor S*ioon of W. M. CUNSINGHAM. sept 5-lm LEWIS & C0. AhoIesale snd Retail Gro AHD PROVlSION DEALERS. ? RBSR CAUF0RN1A 8ALM0N ONICE By Every 8ac Francisco 8teamer 5ALT SaLMoX IX BAERELd a Specultt, 'ii Forl S/, t Honolulu. Tel. 240 , P O. Box 297. L. B. KERR’S \NNOUNCEMENT! I HAVE ICST KECE!VED A LARGE ASSORTMENT 0F . PINE SUITINGS, ELEGANT PATTERNS, AND LATEST STYLES. ?heee gooda will be sol»i in any Qaantity frout a 00 Yabds Dowx to Evocoh to Make a Single SlTT : —AND AT—HA&D THE PRI0E8i I.. U. KERK. ■ - IMP0RTEK, Qneen Street. Septō-3m © ?»• irSATOSSUP Bometimes wh©re to go to purohase any particnlar article, but not if yoo happen to want anything in the line of £rtists' Pictufe F?ames, or enlarged portraits, there īs bnt one plaee in Hoaolnln. to pnrcbase all māteriais, and that's KINO BBOS.’ Store, for whieh there is no rival on these Islands. The finest paintings in Hawaii, aro on exhibition in this gallery. The firm makee a specialty of enlarging portraits aa well as making pictnre frames in ihe very lateet styles of monldings. In the aheei pietnrea. they have thonsanda io aeleei from of whioh they invite an inspection ak aoy iime, . , kmo BRos^ Hoiel Btr*et, : : Honolnln ang. 25>ladly.