Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 205, 7 September 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Clty sa Meai Mai'kel Oppo. Qneen Emm* Hali. EsUblisbed 1383. JOS. TiNKER, }faker ofthe Celebrakd Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Tbt Thejc. Meat Delivered to Anv Part of the City and Saburbs. Mulual Telephone Nomber 289. Y0K0HAMA BAZAAR, — Corner of — HOIEL A NUUANU Sr?, Silk and Crepes, Embroidered Hadkerchiefo, Window Curtain«, Straw Hai.-*, Fana, Lanterns, Baskets. all sorts; Oiahea, Tea and Breakfast Seta. Trajs, Flower Pots, Silk Bedquilts, Baraboo Screens, Neck-ties, Silk and Crepe Shirts, Japanese Toys, Japanese Provisions by the wholesale. jy2S MURATA A C0. City - Carriage Oo. Blacksmith Shop 107 KING STREET D. EEplī, Blacksmith Work A>D Carriage Repairlng PAINTING :AND : TRIMMING In all tts Brancbes, at Bed Rock Prices. Mutual Telephone 382 Give us a Call and judge for yourself. jy23 ADMraiSTRATIOH’Sx N0TIC2. THE UN'UERSKJNEI> baviiu; be<n Jnly appo!tited Tempor»nr A(imlni»trat<>r of th<Eaute of JfMKra Hkamo Pku. (kllnu of Pnuoa. Hooolnla, Onhn, deces«e(l. Xotie« i« hereby giren to »11 credilor* of tbe dec«nacd to pre»cnt tbeir cUim« «bctb«r »ecnred bjr Mortga«rp. or olherwi*e, duly flntbendicated aod wltb tb« proper eouehen”, lf «ny exist to tbc and<r«li;T!»:d «Uhin *fx montbs frcm tbc dnt>- berecf or fbrr will b« forcTer t*rred. and ail per*oa* indēbted to tb : »aid dec«aflcd are re>i«- »t to make immediatv payment »( tb' OBtee of S. K. K»-**. Com«r of K:m{ sod Bctb»-I Strcct*, Up-«tair«. S. K. KANE. Tempcrary Administrator of tbe E»Ut« A /o«ebb Ueaao Pele, (k> deecaeed. Honolulo. Aojpi»t 18, sag; I8-dw

AOMINISTRATION S NOTICE. TIfE UNDER9IiīNED h»Tiiyj b«eo doljr »ppolnted AdmiBistra(rit of th*i KUU' of li. K. t (k). iate of llalaaia, KohaU. UUod oi Hawaii, decr»*«d. Notke u berehy j}ren to M cmUtors of tbe dcev**eil to p-e#ent lb<-tr claitn« »hether «ecared by Mortjpote of otherwtoe dolj aoihendi< 4ted »n<S »ith Ute proper TOO‘ ber», if any extot, to tbe udeni(at>l wUhio ds monūia from the date hereoi t»r ther »U1 be forerer barrod, asd ali penona iodebted to the «aid deeeaaad aie rcqaeat to make im> medtote pajmeot at ttoe OOee of 9 K. Ka-ea. Comtr of Kinz -iod Bethil 9treeto. VpWa MK9. NAOO KA.UIU E, Admlatotr»tnx of the E»ute of U. K. K-i iihv», dtreeaeed. Hoooiolo, Ani'o* 14 130G. 3w.

J. H. TRUSCHLEK, Boot & Shoemaker. 130 Fori Repairing, neatly Done. hali sole and heel with pegs, 11.00. Half aole and heel sewmg, $1.50, an7 MEDE1R()S & Co. Merchant Tailors. imenean, 8<*>teh T*wdi on bftnd. Fin(.dbw work goanatMd. l|otal 8t., ondn Ariiogtoa HoM Koek, loooluh] a. DECK£r s Muu«er, a 17~iaoc,