Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 205, 7 September 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

— . — MACFAJiIANE & CO. Dtalens in Winei and SpiriU Kuhaimuia Hooolnlu. H. E. McINTTRE A BRO.. Gbocekt Feed Stobe <fc Bakeet, Corn©r of King an<l Fort Sts., Honolaln J. PHILL1P8, PRACTICAL PLCMBER, GA8.FITTEB rOPPER-8MITH, X££“ House and Ship Job Work Promptly Eiecut©d. No. 71 King Street. Honolula. Db. MeLENNAK, Fort Street, above Hotel. Muiuai Pelephone 6H2, for ottice; 287 for residence. jy28 KD. C- ROWE. Houee Sign and Oinainenial Painter. Manuf.icture of Liquid Slating. 020 King Street. augl LEWIS J. LEVET, Heul Esfcite and General Auctioneer. Ooruer s Fort an<1 Quecu StreeU, Heuolula Personal attention given to Sales of Furnilare, Real £state, Stock ond General ’ Merchandise. Uutnal Toieououe 22S “FATBOY.“ BAY H0RSE5a? 8AL00N ! P. McIXERNT, Pkopkietor, Fine Liquors, Wines and Beer. CoHNER BlTn*X AND IIOTEL tjTS. Honolulu Carriage Manufactory W, W. WRIOHT, Pbopbistor, (8ucces*or to G. We»t). f"ARRIAGE BL ILDING and KEPAUUNU. v All Onler> from thc Other I*Unds in the C«rriaito Building. Trimralng aud Painting Lloe wOI Mcet wlth Pnirnpt Attcntion. BlAck»mithimr in All Its V»rion» Branches l>onc P. O. Box 351. No». 138 and 130 Fort 8tr«et. Jy|B Iy W. S. LUCE "Wine and Snirit Merchant Campbell Firt • proof Block, MERCHA35JTST. HONOLULU. Anchor-:-Saīoon Ex “AUSTKALIA,” Another Invoice of the World Henowueel FREOERICKSBURG UGER BEER On dranght and by Ihe keg. Also, as a Specialty, Small Fresh Califorhia 0YSTERS, FOH COCKTAILS mayl 3ms CITY CARRIAGE C0. Cornor K1NG and BETHEL SL CAIiRIAGES, AT ALL HOUR& Boih Telephono9 No. 113. J. S. ANDRADE, Mantgt r. june 15-tL KOĪli'E. A“. • their animah to em tbe Ucdj lte ol Aii be lonod oo oa Um riw or LENTAI WAISING KKEAag.» HM. a«| 89-ladiy