Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 206, 8 September 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

I PANĪHEON SAIOON, FORT AND HOTEL STS Headanarters Enterpriie Brefing Co, TUE Largpst ConstgnnietU of Beer that ever »irr.ved here, no*v on Dranght uW J. DODD. Pix>p'r Departure Bay COAL ; CHARCOAL, Af.GEROBA HOii KINDLIXG WOOD . ln «ny qo«Qti(r. Both Telei>hon« 414 «d6 -8ATWKGEstabiishment. This Pirst-Cia&» R*-sort has been enlsrgwi ar.d ie now open to the puhiie. lt is the best piaee on the iplands to erjoy a Bath, and there is no belter maee to lay ofi. S(>ecial accommodations for* Lad:es. Tramcars pass the door evcrv half hour, and on S*turdays and Sundays every fifleen mtnutes. (J. /. SHERWOOD, Proprielor. W» I5\1TE ALL SMOKERS To eall aad inapeel oar late importation oI the celebrated G. B. D. p pes, cigan aad cigarette boiden. ac#| . SMO£EBB, ATTENI10K. d Oo. hare i«oeittod a fortb«i sbE&«^£. , s; aloek ol amber aad meeneham: eeai aad ei «Mtte h kleea. Aiao T1 x BOTH f HONK8 : 71 • WATEE-> WOEK8 00.