Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 206, 8 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

ARRITED “\as™*uv" French aaJ Scoteh Qinghams (new) 10c.. 20c. an«l 2-5c. Yictoria Lavng (newV 10 yJs for 75c. Wbite Dress Goods (new). . 10c., lōe., ‘20o., i^o., 30c.. 3oc Whiie and Colored Dimities [new] ..20e. aud 'ioO Llannelletfc«. all color«. (new/10 ytls for $1.00 5SPThe old maxim—“There is nothing new nnder the snn ‘—knoeke»! ont Call and be conrinced. M. S. LEVY, Who is now settled iu Beuson, Smith «fc Co OId Stand. Fort Street PCEIFIED WATEE. No Microbes. 13 U3ED BY IIIE COX?OLIDATED SODA WATER WORKS COMPANY—Limited. □T]n.e3r Pumisli tTL0 rO*UJEltSLiELS T]ojro\a.gr]o.ou.t. t3e.e Cit3T, EXCEPTISQ OSE HP'u.re as Cr3rstaJ.. TEY IT. • HOLLISTER & CO. Importers, Wholeaale and Retail Dealers in DF’iia.e Cigrars, Sro.oisirLgr Toloacco, ASD SrrLO]rexs -Artiol©s. Agents for ihe Celebrated *UK* I Q. B. T>. PIPES, M.\DE LS PAKI3. Benson, Smith & Co., The Corner *DRU6 ST0RE Pnre X>rug:s, Kiue I 5 erfurqjes, * Prompt Attention, &£3 r Prices . - ■ - . - ■ * , ■ . . . ’Conxdr Fort Sta‘ a»a