Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 206, 8 September 1894 — LATEST NEWS. [ARTICLE]


A roLITIOAL TESTAMEXT Lomlou, Aug. 31.—TLe Comte *le I*aris is rapidly sinking. He Las received tlie last s»»crnment of tlie Houian CalLolic Clinrch. T1id |U)U>|« nnnla miu'li from the Count o! Paris’ last po!itical U*tter, wliieh ho fulclressed to llarou Lumbert. In view o! his approachiug cloatb, they ascribe exceptioual importance to the sontiuients esprc8secl iu it Part of the letter is as follows: “Franco is beginning lo } ern fc*r a atroug government to euel tbe scaudals and avert the cl»ngers arising from Ihe existiug regime. Experienco proves that ,she will never find sucli a goverument nnder republic«n form. Still the Koyalists, while reserv5tig a c}uestion of pnnoiple, mn *t noi allow tiiemselves to be accusedof systematio obstruction." HECORI»S LOWSREO. Louelou. Aug 31—TheConard line steamcr Campania, whieh «ailed from New York Aug. 25th, arrived at Queeustowu todav, breakiog the record for speed. She mado the passsage iu 5 days 10 houn and 47 minutes. Heietoforo the eastward record haa I been 5 days 12 hours and 7 min uto«, made Noveraber, 1893, by the Campama. New York, Aug 31—The Cun- ( ard liuer Luoaniu. whioh sailed from Queenstowu at 12:45 p.m. ou Aug. 26th, passed io at Sandy i Hook at 5;18 this aftcrnooo. She has, therefore, bcaten the record of the Campauia, whieh. on Ang. 17th. had made the run in 5 days 9 bours aud 29 iuiuutes. ORIENTAI. XEWS. i Paria Aug. 31— The Cioreroor j of lmlo-C'biua report» that ou|the • uight of the 27th, ehiaeee m«r- 1 auden murdered M. Challet. I Frcnch Coll#ctor of C ustouis in foDcjain, aml killeil his wife and cbildren. Troops pursoed tbe ; outiaws. but failed to eapture. ihein. The French Cioverntueot has demauded indeninitv from the QorerumcDt at Pekiog. \ Hongkoog. Aug. 31—This city I haa been deciared free from j plague

KINO OF TBJC TTBP. Fort W«yce (Ind.). Aag. 31— M«#cot, FJyiug Jib «nd N«ncy Haoka b«ra been detbrooed, and Robert J. «ianda today tbe king of hameaa horses. The great aon of Hartford, driven by Ed Geers. tod»y «aade tha fastest mila erer paoed in huneaa. lowering th« worM'8 record of 9KH t»

HK EEPOBTS. Waabington, Ang. 81— Rear ' Admiral J. O. W.»lker. recently conimand*ng the P«cific »t>»tion, accompanied by C«pt*in A S. Daker —who w*s relieved several days ;tgo of tle commaod of tbe cruiscr Philadelphia — reacbed tbis city tbis moroing direct from San Francisco. The Admiral eame to the department late this afternoon and bad an audience with tbe Secre tary cf the Navy. It is umler* stood that tbe Adm:ral bas already completed his report on his missioo to Hawaii and will hand it to Stcretary Herbert op on tbe latter's return from his present instraction tripalong the At!antic Coast. IX DAXOEB. Ix>ndon, Aug. 30—Tbe Shanghai correspondent of tbe Central News says: There is an nneasy feeling in Tien-tsin owing to tbe attitude of the native troops. Foreigners are arming themselves as thev fear an attack. Satolli will BirUBX. London, Aug. 30—A dLspatch from Rome s«ys tbe report tbat Mgr. Satolli will retarn to Rome at tbe end of the year is confirmed. The Vatican will poblish the result of his mission, whieh will show. as already stated, that the Pope is entirely satisfied with the \vork of Mgr. Satolli. and that his holiness considers the | churcb qnestions in the United ! Stjites settled. XC WORDS. Wasbington, Ang. 30 — The State Dcpartment has received no «dvices from Miuister Baker in reference to the arrest of- two ' Americao citizens at Bluefields. A DISASTROUS FIRE. Hongkong, Aug. 30—Tbere has : been a disastrons fire among the ! vesscls anchored in the Cauton i river. Handreds of flour boats were consuraed aud 1000 natives 1 who were aboard the vessels ' perished, either through fire or ; bv drowninc. XAVAL XEWS. United Slates stearaer Adains, recently went ashore on the rocks at St. PmiiI’h island. From the reports of her injar3 r , as received by the naval officers, it is safe to presume tliat the Adams will be put out of commission and consigned to *'rotten row.” ADJOURXED. Washington, Aug. 28—Congress has gone at last and every one breathes a sigh of relief. Washingtou. Aug. 28 — The galleries of tlie Bsnate weia packed today with v sitors After several short resoIutious. thaakI ing Vioe-Presideut Stevenson and Seuator Harris, President pro ■ ; iem, were adopted the Senate was [ declared adjourned sine die at ■ 2 p. m.