Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 207, 10 September 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

FOR SALE B«n Ttnia pap» <mt of 'Jw bi , tStxk. motkr «a< tk* āatsa »tock ud ■ Boo»«” the «r* S( “c£eTw" trom tbe wvrd "p.’ TV pops «r* «heW for wgsC*tMB ud tke oi tLe pt!eatt » <qul »o thst hrid pepi an by msr t ar Dogs m tbe toaatrr. Putia «atut«c • i lug dōg wīB do w«Q to iwpccttiūs Aim. gj&" tt tbe Aaeioi Su»a ot W. M. CUXKUSOHAM. «pt 5-lm PIONEEK Steam CANDY Factory. Ril«F.RY and loe Cream Parlors! HOPN 1863 1894 m iw IW PRACTICAL COXFEC TIONEK axd ORNAMENTER /n aJl hmuehe* of Ihe bu*ine*t M ihe»e U!ande. Americ»n. Enalīeh. Gtrtn»n and French PASTRIES M»de to Order. t BIRTH-DAY AND WEDDING CAKES M«Ie o( the Verr B. «t M»tehal »ml at Rcasonab!o Ratee. ( Family 6raham & Fancy Bread .1f(rrtyj on Uand. ALL CO\FFXT10\F-RY Manufactnreti at My EstabIUbment Arc Guaranteed to be Po*ilively Pure »nd i Sold »t Prices no other establbhment ean eompele «ith. FACTORT AKD STORE, No. TI Hotel Sfreet, Honolulo. Both Teiephones No. 74. jy36 Per S.S. AUSTRALIA from the Coast CAMAIOTOS Refrigerator I Contain a Full Supply of lee House, such as Frozen Oystors, Crabs, Fresh Salmon, Canliflower Celery, Muscat Grapes, Peaches, Apricots Mectarines, Japanese Pluras Tokay Grapes, Gerraan Prunes Cratvford Peaches, Silver Prunes Rose Peru Grapes, Bartlett Pears, Sikle Pears, Etc. California Fruit Market. Mutual Tel. 378 lt Gust. A. Mauer, HA.WAllAN UOTEL BARBEli La*lies Shampooing a specialty. Honolulu. augi. Kahului:-: jlotel Kahului, Maui. Sa(« pbopriatob, »ept :-tf WE I5VITE ALL SMOEERS To «dl »nd io5pect oar U:e ruportstioL o{ the ceiebnued G. B. D. p pes. cigai> &sd e garette hoidexs. . HOLLinei I eo. • īMOKEEa, ATTE5TX0X. HoUisUr & C«. hsre received »fortber tnpp!j o i Ihe cekbraud G. B. D p-pee direct £rom the Uctory »i weil u s oe« ( stocc of ambar acd meertsch»tna eigar aod c;g*rette h Sders. Aiao «u maiehea. • 71 ; BOTH TELEPHOXES: 71 CO*SOLTDATED00. <■ WAJEB W0*ES MĒM