Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 207, 10 September 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


Tbe Friend is out The bend plays at Emma Square to-nigbt The case agaiust J. Sberwood 1 bas been eontinueJ till next •« Wednesday by the District Coart. • I Laea, the proprietor of the balf-way house, is being tr;ed to- ; day before Jndge Peny. Waikiki» different bathing resorts were viaited by a large namber of people yeaterday: Mr. Dole will eall officially on board the Charleston next Wedneoaday. A dance will be gixen tomorrow evening at the residence of ! Mr. and Mrs W. G. Irwin. California paper eonuio a lot i of opinm reports in whieh the lsland of Mani plays a big role. j A nnmber of gentlemen who hare ntteuded the Circuit Court on Kaoai returned to town yes- ! terday. Wbat isthe new “Odd fellow ' } sign used by li*wyers and survey- | ors on Kaoai/ Mr. A. G. M Uobertson is prosecutiug on behalf at the go- j vernmont at the Circoit Conrt now in session on Kana;. The band concert at the Hotel ' last Satuday night for the benefit t of ihe men of-wnr in port was 1 largely attended. The Salvation Army will st-irt ! busjn»*«s during this week. The headqnarters will probably be upstairs in the buildiug occupied by John Nott. I The Daily theatrical corapany ! will arrive here on tho 27th inst »nd give a series of performance at the Opera House. Geo. Pdris, who has bought H. M. W T hitney’s shares in the Gaaette Compauy will mauage the i establi6hment in the futare. Mr Paris is favorably known in Houolulu. The war spirit ruled yesterday. Brokeu noses and jaws and a general clubbing, kniflug and forking were the results of Snu- ■ day’s work. A Hawaiian who waa called as a juror at tbe circnit conrt on Kauai signified bis willingness to i , take tbe oatb to the republic i “ for tbe term ” but wanted it oanoelled when hisduties ceased. He was excused. Two young ladieshad a uarrow ‘ escape last Saturd«y while driving on Nunanu Street, near Beretania Street. Their horso fell . i into a man-hole whieh had been (left open and bottr !adies were i thrown out of the bnggy. Besides tbe scare and some bruises : iboy escaped unhnrt I" ■■■..— -- ■--s