Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 207, 10 September 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

JUST ARRIVED. 5 5 5 * 7 BABY • CARRIAGES OF AXX STTt£8, •i -m •, IX IIIE LATEST pattekss. “.HOU S E H O L D SEWING MACHINES Hasd Sewko Machiszs, PT AU Wilh the L*teat ImproremeaUT1 PAKLOK Ors:ans, Guitarc Ka \ Other Mnnoal In*trnmeDU Wines, Liquors, Beer ALWAT8 0X HAXD. AXD POB 8ALE BT ED. HOFFSCHLJEGER t C0 8t. oppo. C«sUe A Oooke’e. WA X T K D ! PL'KXJTl’RE. DI9HE8, OLAMWAKE. I CTocki, W»tch«. Jewelry, Gld Gold »nd 8ilver, »nd eTcrythlu(f boutrht »nd »old »t 114 King Stre*t, cofner of Al»kc*. J.v27 P. 0. Bo\ 209. 405 Nnn»na 81. S. YASUM0RI, MERCHANT TAIL0R. Dcaler in iapanOHe OooAa, Boots and Shoes of Japanese mako; Oheap for Cash. New Ooods by Every Steamer. jy 23 LEE SUXf KEE, 49 KINO 8TREET. TINSMITH. a:.d DEALER IN «LA88w»re, Crockery, Co»l-0il Sloves, Water l'ots—PiumhinK iu All IU Untncbee F»ithfully Eiecuted. jy!8-Iy si\<f m;\ hi;i; TINSM1TH axd DEALKR IN TINWARE. , ] Piping Did and Repaired. All ] Onlers PromptIy Attended to. Charyee Very Moderale. Call and Seo U». No. 222 Maunakea St., Ilonoiulu. iy20 Im eOHNEK 0F * Nuuanu and Beretania Slreel*. a .*>61 r-Bvtn Tklkpho>'es:”~\ 501 GOOD, RELIABLK a»d ( jy27tf CIVIL DRIVKRS. “

Tai Wo Wing Kee Co. W NL I ANU 8TREBT J>«ilera iu Lmliee' k Geuts’ Boote and Shoee made to onier. PO B<u »7 TUTI RESED1ES. WILL rmc rnnsi:m|KSon. Rh-5m»!t.-m. > «»mTTh, 8kln Firaule Owaplamu. tiki Hle» lu the »ont iona. Hopea VT rntert*lnr<l Ihal it n 111 nrr lMMf. Thejr ar» V<c«uMf Hmallaa and cu> h* u»M by ihe tao*t deUy«U> and !hr ;ouaa*at ehiM. rt««r< wilhln Ut« rearh of «11. 8oid bv In. r. O. Kallawi), !•§ Kla{ »lrm, W«j Hloek. uader Hariaoav j*aU, «-uioiuiu. J apan Market. 367 Maunakea Strret. Fresh Me*t ou lei 4 Pound 250ts. Soooci, Man*eer. •og1 Ho Ven 1(68 Tinsmiths and Deafers —■*—“IN Crockeri> GfAssware, <fc. m PIPE8 LAI» AND PLVMBiXti X£aTLY Ei£CUTEO