Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 208, 11 September 1894 — LOCL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


Mr. Th. G»y arriret] frnai j MokaleU this morniag The Tolcano is verv salkv at . present. The Band will play at Thomas 9qnare to-nigbt at 7:30 o-eloek. « Pregident Dole will Tisil Jhe C bsr!estou to-morrow. lbe W. G. Hall left for Maui and Hawaii this morning. Mr. Samuel Parker will return to towo in the Kinau to-mom>w. Ohiaa are very plentifnl and j the {de!icioaa frait ia selling rerv eheap. »The Kinaa is due to-morrow morning from windward. The Cbarleston leaves for Japan on Thnrsday. — Mr. H. M. Whitney will eon- ; tinue to edit the Planters raonthly. j Chester Doyle l«ft for Hawaii with Marshal Hitcbcock to as- . sist in the investigation of a Japa- j nese raarder recently reported. Marshal Hitchcok left-for Hawaii this morning. He seems to be as rostlesa as the wandering jew. Tbe Alleu <k Robinson bnild ing on Queen Btreet is being rapidly oompleted. lt will be an omameni to tbe city. Luea and bis wife who live at the half-way bouse were fined $100 eaeh in the Poliee Conrt this morning for selliug liquor without a lieen^e. Hteward James of the A«stralia was accompanied by bis wife in his last trip. Mrs. James, who is staying at Waikiki with Mrs. Macfarlune wi 11 remain iu Honolulu for some time. The reorganized Healani Boat Clnb meets at the yal Hawaiian HoteI tbis evoning. Bnsiness of importauce. Tbe building known* as tbe Cbinese Tbeatre was sold yesterday at auction toWingWofor |65Q. Tba buildiug will be torn down andj removed witbin J0 d»y*. * Saki is now tbe favorite driok among the Hawaiians. It ia preferred to sand paper gin on aeoooni of its cbeapness while it possesses all tbe fiery qualities of the national drink. The obeapness ia due to iheemall duty paid on il. Tbe town has never been so dull as it is lately. Everybody seems to be looking out for some excit9ment. A large crowd rnsbed to tho poliee station at noon believing tbat a revolntion wai on i foot It was only a craay woman brought iu by au oflicer.