Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 208, 11 September 1894 — WANTS NO HELPS [ARTICLE]


— The following letter addressed to a cit zen in Ta«oma explains itaelf: COK8ULATE OF JaPAX Sax Fr.vxcisoo, i!6.1894 ) Yonr letter of tbe 19th instant ia at haud and tbe contents pernsed. In regard to ihe deaire expressed by some of yoor «cqoainianoee for entering the military serrice of Japan 1 woa!d d*y that. notwithstanding tbe news papor reports to the oont»ry. tbe Japanese Government has no inieniion ot - eniiating ©ither I offioers or priy«Us for aen iee in oonneolion vitb the preseat war wilhChina. The military atrecgtb o| tke empire ia aaoh tbat there ia no neoeaaity vhaterer for lookiog to foreign eoantriea (or help. pven the natiT«« de«irioR to enter tbe »erUce L«Ve ’ ooi pW