Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 208, 11 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

ORD!NARY Good NEWS FOB HOUSEW/VES and MATR!MoH>ALLY !NCUHED MEN, I • • . S. Kubey & Co., No 418 Nuoanu street. opj« g : te Cectral Meat Market 9econd Hand Furniture have imnirted an enormou8 amounl o£ FURNITTJRE ! _ From the Coast ( They are prepared fo 8ELL the Best Articles at L()WEST PHICES Money is tigbt. and none of us have more than we know what tō do with. f KUBEY A C0. reaīize 1 this. and are decreasing profits to suit the times I£ you know the value of money deal with S. KUBEY & CO, forin their store, One Dollar goes further toward buying FURN’1TURE than three at any other plaee in the town On Saturday evenings, open to 9 r.x Don’t forget the address S. & Co., Oppo. Central M. Market P.S. Peiaona having Furaitore i» sell, wiU do well by cilling on ua. *selUtf Removal! & ©e. -— HAVK MOVED TO — Morgan’s - Auction * Rooms for a short tlsne. We areatill seUlag Departare Bay COAL CHARCOAL, ALGEROBA and KINDLING WOOD io aoy quantity. Both Teiephonee 414 au6 I POUND MASTER’S NOTICE. Notioe is bereby given to all persons that tbere are at the 6overnment Poand at Makiki, two strnyed bulls. 1 black buU branded Ron rigb( hind leg. 1 pineo buU brand indiachbable ou — leg Any persou or persons owing these bnl!s are requested to eome aud take the aame on or before 12 o’oloek noon, 8ATURDAY, SEPT. 15, 18W. JAMES KUKONA, Ponnd Master. Makiki, Ang. 30, 1894. ang3U-lwdy MACH1NE MADE POI! FACT0RY, : : KALIHI. Taro Planla, Fresh Tope and Raw Taro at all times. Ring Up Mulual Telephone 577. Bell 345. W. L. WILCOX, jy35 Manager. Chas. T. Onliek NOTARY PUBUC For the Laland ol Oahu. Agent to Take Acknowledgmev to Labor Contracte. Agenr\u Lieenees. Honololu, Oaho. Agent for the Haw’n Islauds ol Prrr A Scott s Freight and Parcels £xpreea. Agent for tb« Borli»gioa Koute Bral Eitite Bnker ai Oaenl Bell Tel. 348; Mni Tel. 139; P, O. Bo*415. ‘0FP1CE: No. 38 M£BCHAN1 Strw»i Hnnolala R 8AM YEK HOP, ■. # ' No. 352 King Streat. Dealer in California and Hawaiian Fnuti and Veg®tjhlp«. Quara Jally. Xea aod Uinawi Cotfee> ttc.