Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 208, 11 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

ARRIVED ‘‘V»TV l, V”/ / | French and Scotch Ginghama (new> 10c., 20o. and 2oo. Victoria Lawn? (new), 10 yda for 75o. White Dr?ss Oooda (new) , .10c., 15o.. 2\\, 25o., 30c,. 35o White and Colored Dimities [new] ‘20o. aud 2'>c LlannelIeiU. all colors, (now 10 yds for $1.00 S2CTbe old maxim—' īheee is notbing new nnder the sun" —knocked ont Call and be convinoed. M. S. LEVY, Who is now settled in Bensou. Smith Co. > 0)d Stand, Fort Street. PUEIFIED WAIEE. I Wo lVIicrobes. IS USED BT THE COSSOUDArtD SODA WATER WORKS COMPAXY—Limited. Th.e7 tlb.0 3E n ccLrLta.irLs * Tl!LXO-ULg\tLO\At, tlX0] Cit3T, EXCEPTINO ONE ZE 3 "'JLxe as Cr3rstsil. it. .cs aug7 HOLLISTER & CO. Importers, Wbolesale aud Retiil Dealers.in Pine Cigraxs, S330Lo3rixxgr ToToa.ooo, AM) SxrLOlxeis Agents for the Celebrated G. B. T). BIPES, MADB IN PARIS. Mg7 Benson, Smith & Co., The Corner & DRU6 ST0RE Pure Drugs, Fine Perfumes, , PlV>lxipt 'Atteution, &£r Low Prices Coruor Foix & Hotel aui