Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 208, 11 September 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Iaife & Marinc INSURANCE. HARTFORD FIRE ĪXSURANCE C0., . Assets, $ 7.109,825.49 LOXDON-LANCASHIRE FIRE IXS. CO., # Assets, $ 4,317,052.00 THAMES-MERSEY MAR1XE IXS. CO., Assets, $ 6.124,057.00 NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO., Assets, $137.499,198.99 C. O. I3ERGER, Genenil Agent for the Huwaiiao ls m»Js, iionololu 4 j*j, E, McIntt e I b B^o 1MP0RTERS AND DEALERS ĪN G-roceries, ]Provisions AXD * Feed, EAST CORNER F0RT & K1NG|STS. New Goods Rcc'd By every Packet from the Eastern States and Enrope. Fresh California Produce by every steamer. All orders faithfullv attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of the city FREE 0F CHARGE. Island Orders Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Post 0fl5ce Box No. 145, Telephone No. 92. THE HONOLULU S0AP H0USE. Sells tho vtry bost quallty of SOAP at W.50 per 100 pontuls and 17 bars of 25 pounds honest weight for f 1.25. GERMAN BLUE CAST1LE SOAP, manufactured by Graus Bros., Mannhoim, Germany, at 10 conts j>or pound. TOILET SOAP, rctail at whoksa!c prices. SOFT S<3AP in tin» of 42 pounds. S(.25. STEAKIC WAX MIN'ING CAXDLES, mauufactnrod by ihe Emrey Candle Works of Cincin»ti, Ohio, 12 faudles for 25 eents. KIAWE FIRE WOOD. ?I0 pcr cord. The sarae cut in blocks of 12 inches loniī at anv quantity from ?I up. DcliTered frce of to any p*rt of thecitv. KIAWE CHARCOAL at 4#..ents a s«ck. Ricbmond. Va., CEDAR WOOD POĪ PAIL3 finished with brass hoops. Small size 50 eents; larpe sizc 75 cculs. Empty Vinegar and Wine BARKELS as w«ter rec©ivers at fI. KITCHEX SALT in sacks of 100 pounds. 50 cts TABLE SALT given away. Uighest cosh price paid for IIIDES, 8KINS and TA^LOW. THkEE0PAOKAGES. containini;30BOXES of TOKIO PARLOR MATCHES, only TEX CEXTS. -NT. BREHAM, Mulual Telephone 314. Bethel Street »UgU I* O. Bcx 480. Muīūal Telepho.\e 245. | The Cheapest Plaee on the Islands to Buy NewandSecondHand Furniture IS the CORXER OF King 4 Nuuanu Sts. I X i r* L Honoluiu ii. i.

RING UP MUTUAL TELE. 312. EP|B’S Baggage Expresa, !, 239 Port Honoīul». &. I. Baggage u^ A F airiViiF Hand]ed and Dehvered at Short Notice to All Part3 of the C:tv , Stand on Cor. of Fort & Queen Sta. ir» Kwong Sins: ]L*oy Merchant Tailor, Dru Goods, J/en &nd Ladie*s Shoti. No. W? Kina? 3treet, oear “Holomaa.” JoJyS YĒE CHA2Sr, I L\ I Sjen'g Fiqe Farnighing Qoodg Fine TaiIorinf Fine ehin© 5 ** a««l Japane»fl Handkerchitffa Nol 31to33 Nuuaou 9t, H n«>