Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 208, 11 September 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

LADIES’ COLUN OUf\ QUiC(< SAL aNI) S|«V-L PvpiT Pol is a far better oue for the p than the ressurection pr< knowu as Sale?, etc.. etc., et at whieh the graves contai goods of times gone by opened, and the roo)dering e ses trotted out to make a shc One never gets special val sales; one may get Low P for Ressurected Goods, but eial value never. Special valnes are only ob ed whcre yon get seasoi goods, where Qaick small profUs are the fundam principle of the yon dealing with f EXPERJENCE WlLL TE/\Clf y 0 y 1 * if you do not realizo it Qaick sales Wid smail pi mean also noPHull counter dul goods, newstyles, ie goods that s p at prices thn just right. f i T ave y.m noticed anv of t L^DIES ? W^ll we spoke of last week ? If you are certainly not very serving, for there has been of thero sold by us last week was ever sold in Honolulu ii two weeks. Quick sales small profits policy diu it a few of them left. The tbing migbt be said of We have aome bandsome brellas and Parasola Twelve yards dress pattei Genuine Irish Linen Lawi co!ors. at 1*2.eO a pattern Eeraember tbe plaee; tfa you have any doubt, a eall a store will satisfv you \h«t a s»y abont Quick Sa!e and i profits is a FACT. B. F. EHLERS & C THF MHMnn

LOHSNGELV LAG£B |B££B. Alw*jr» oa Dr«agbi 9 GLA88ES FOB 35 0ENT8. of Wines, Liquors, and Cifan, O» &4Npt