Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 209, 12 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

for tbe Laad tbal ooee jobt» »od will SOOQ Wheni is ffee wbicb eioodn ita br wbicb soat to &jr.t one who Ioved yoa. ► > E Lotsmal PaUma 0*iwK_Sept. 12. 1894. l=nes tfa!bk ih m ido# yQar ud graT« Ti. y > i5 e e • *rrif^r. ViT’SAT0S8UP Sometimes where to go k> pnrchase any pnrticnlar article, bnt uot if yon happen to want anything in tbo line of O £rtists' $upplles, i Picture prames, or enlarged portraits, ibere is but one plaee in Honolnla, to j pnrchnsesiil materials, and that’s KIMG BROS.’ Stofe, for whieh there is no rivjrl on these lālaneU. The finest paintings in Haw&ii, are on exhibition in this gallery. The firm makes a specialty of enlarging portraits as well as making pictnre frames in the very latest styles of moaldings. In the sheet pictaros, they have thousauds to select froru of whieh they invito an inspection at aoy time. KIKO BROS-, Uotel Street, : : Honolulu aug. 25-lmā:y. — OCJEA^IO £>teamsliip Co ii - • • ... . e Time Table, LOOAL LINE. S. B. AUSTRALIA. Arrive Honolohi from S. P. Leave Honololo for 8, F. Aug. 11 Joly 21. Sept. 8 Aug. 18. Oct 6 Sept. 15. Kov. 3.... Oct. 13. Dec. 1..,.,— Nov. 13. - Dec. 8. f X , hrouejli Cine» From San Fran. for Sydney. 1 Arrive Honoluin Moaowai - A.ng A ameda A°g Mar:posa v Sep Monowai • Oct 2 30 27 25 ; ■ Froca Sydney for San Francisco. 1 * ** Leave Honolulu. 1 Alameda July 26 i Manpoaa »...Aag 23 M>nowai.... .....Sept 2U Alameda..... ,..Oct 18 HoYen | Tinsmiths and Dealers Grockery, 6lAssware, <§c. WATER P1PRS LAID AND PLUMKINO XEATLT K3SKUTED Xj Npoana i Bote