Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 209, 12 September 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

MACFARLANE A CO lkalen t'n Wint* and HpiriU KMbsom HoooMn. H. E. McINTYP»E rt, Hooolaln. i P%£ k BRO < Ohoctuy Fjueu i&OKKk Baeep.t, ' Cornfer of K=ta(f an.l Fort Honolnla \ I. PHJfJ.IPS. PRA(TU\l nLliMHEa, GA8.FJTTER Q0PPRK-SMITH, Hoa.se Ttfcd SLip Job Work Promptly Executed. No. 71 King Street. Hoabln!j. pK. Mel.ENNAN. F.»rt Strtyt, 3 hi Mulnal l'uleplion.- /r>r 287 for residence. iy2S KO. CKOWE. Iīou.*e Sign and Oinamenial Painier. M i!iuf tclnre of 'r.iq<ji«l Slating, <520 Kmg Strerl. »ugl LEWI8 J. LEVEY, Ueal Estate auel Ueneiul Auctioneer. Coruer,Fort and Quecn StrecUi. Honolula Personal Httention given to SaIos i of Farniiare, Real Estate, Stock and Oenenil Merchandise. Vftitu«l T«*Jeohone 238 FAT BOY." 8AL00H I P. M(TN’EKN’T, Paonuinoa, Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer. Cor.vkr Ih-niEL a>d Hom Srs. Honolulu Carriage Wanufactory aa* 1 W. W. WRIOHT, Pbophi«tob, (9acocs»or to G. Wwt). Y''aRHIAGE BLTLDĪNQ a»p REPAI1UN’G. All Onlen from thc Other in Ihe C«rri«jrc KuiUinu, Trimniius and Psintin){ Llne wlll Mect wlth Prompt Attrntion. •! Black»inilhlnc in All It» Varion>- Brntu'hc« I>oiie. P O. Box 321. No«. I* and 130 Fort 8trect, jy(9 jy W. S. LUCE

Wine and Suirit Mercliant Campbell f'ire‘jrroof B!ock, MEKCHANTST. HONOLHLU. Anchor-:-Saloon Ex “AUSTRAUA,” Another Invoice of the WorId ! Kouounea FREDERICKSBURG , UGER BEER; On «lraaght and by tbe keg. Also, as a Speoialty, Sm*ll Fresh California 0YSTERS, KOU COCKTAIL8 mayl 3m? CiīY CARRIAGE C0. { Coro.r KIN’O »nd BETHEL Su CjA_RRIAGOiS,

AT ALL H0UH8, Both Te(®Dbooe8 No. 118. J. 8. AXDRADE. Manager jaoe 15-lf. <• • I ALL peron> are v«rsed aot to penait n U>eir «mnuL> 10 t»s«pass oa Um kaJU of Kmmv»ī «aJ Knnoiluii, !>eloa0tu Uu< an<lenRgt>*! ri>» {>S»Btrrt. Ail «nieuU» foeud on oa the nae kndx vtU be uapoaD<i«d ot «hvU LENTAl wai .sixg kee Bujfcjfuiu, Ang. i?Sk. 29-iatfi> , : <*' i ' . :-r