Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 209, 12 September 1894 — Fight or Vote. [ARTICLE]

Fight or Vote.

Editor Holomn»; For soma time pnst tbe above has heen vour motto. Wel! now, ■ let one consi»ler tlie first propositiou—FlOHT ! ! Wbat with ? Air Wind or Water / The first is free to all, thesecond “hloweth where it Iisteth” the third is nn unkonwo quautitv and therefore where does your first proposition Iand you ? simply nowbere 1 ! Yoor second proposition “vote” is well auswered by oue of your coulemporaries iu to-day’s issue —nothing to g.iinexcept vex.(tiou nud anuovaneo. To toll u uativo • , to voto is ;«s absnrd as tho pieture over tho high Altar in the Church of tho Madeleine in l'uris. the Apotheoaig «f Napoleon. From whiapers I have heanl of the doiugs of the late mieaiou to Washingtm. high dignit;iries iu Amenean politics say that if there aro only two thousaud eompoao tho present oligarchy why dont tho other eleven thousand \oters sweep them into the sea—now is not that beantiful soothing syrrup. dishtd up in good styie, when those uame devils know perfectly well that the Governmout of tho l*nited States througb its acoredited ilepresentative hcre assistrd in depriviug the kioht part of it, out of existenee so far as tho natives are concerned —the time is not far distaut when those who eall themselvos thc U. S. Govern- : monl will have to give a rigid acconut to the Woild for f/*c»V , conduct in tbe Hawaiiau aflair — a more disgraceful blot never blurred the fair escutcheon of any tlag. It shows us that men are (hinp* ! It »hows us that the ; Press iu thc l T nited States is a thing of prico. Jn slavery days huiuau trafic was cons:dered a legal transactiou ’ How Joes ; that oompaie wilh whitk men who boast of their freedom being swayed by political exigeucies for perfidious selt gain. The' picture I bave drawn i« oue tbat j serious mon ueed thiuk about. j It is no imaginary one, 1887 s«w { the same mon on the chessboard. I the samo men p1ayed the same j gamo, aud with what resa!ts ? j only the immacnhtte money mon- j gers knew auything aud all tho j rest know, nothing. To Jay the the same crowd usiug the absard credihility of ‘ iho pahlie l>e damned' for all there is in it and | still the “PCBII0 18 DAJtXED.” 1 ean t onderstand it. ean yoa? and tberefore, figbt, vote or so, the only thing remaius, let tbe (as an American statesman has said) «levec thoosand sweop the two s thoosacd inio the sea—or as I 1 wouhi advisa whon skouks are ! around let ihem soverelv alone 1 lor fear tbat some of the stink ' yoa. i Hawan. 1 V