Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 209, 12 September 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Compy. [ARTICLE]

Hawaiian Hardware Compy.

'■ • Acgnv Tbe thoo5amls &nd thr ? >f | peopie who read the daiiy p-*f4rs I snd get tbe news ha;>f>eniogs from the foar qaarters of earth. do so witfa Iittle thooght of the expense attached to getting oat a paper and tbe triais and tribu!ations ot Ihe editor and freqnent loss of ntoney to tbe owners. The d fficalties whieh be set the p.tths of newspaper people vary accordīng •to locality; in t!ie Xotbern Sfcite3, wbere there are "nine months winter and three months ven- lale it freqoently bappens ,tl»at ro;uls are blockaded v, jth 6;iow, fu>t ab:>ut * the time the p»p8r- supply is exhansted, sp the editor has toTall bact on" Lis polislied-surf e.e book papqr to get oxst iii» editioa. In Vietsborg. Mi»s' T sippl, away back in the sixties an entixe stock of wall paj>er was nsed iu getting out a weeklyt-paper, newspaper was uot obtaiuable. In aoine places tbo people will demaud a masiiunm. of news, telegraphic and loeal at a miiiioium prico, and tben want to pay their subscriptioa and advertising bills iu wood or vegetables. Cut when Satorday nigfat comes aroand tba geutle and uugeutle composite>r rebels, when be is offered anything, but eoin in payment for Lis services, aud this accouuts for the fact tbat half tbe editors iu United States are troubled with insumnia We have kaown composilors ia eountry towns to actually refuse to live on a diet of roller composiand striko if tbe editor would not divide the coutouts of tho pasie pot. la Houolulu, things are ditferent; paper is mauufaotured in Califurnia, and tho oeeaa uever freoaes so bard tbat tbe vessel can't run, so thero is uo delay there in gettiug a stock of paper; ttu> usuai[y meet tfae business AI;inagers on Saturday witb a broad smile wLieh they give in excbange for good gold eoin, and the editors who do not wear search lights in their shirt fronts Ieave ihem o!i, because they do not wish to bo mistaken by tourists fcr capitalists. The compositors, too, ure of a better class thau you wili find on the Pacifie Coast; they dress bettor, live better and are better citizer;s thau you wili find iu other places, eveu at twelve and a haif ceut beer -is not induceiueut onongfa for tbem to take ou ‘ jag.' If there is anylhiug that will set oti'the appeaeanee of a home, a good hanginq L imps is tho tbing. We hnve a uew stock of Lamps tlmt is so varied in styles and pvices tbat wo ean suit the tastes und pnrses of everyoue. The burners, whieh is really more important tban tbe decora tions, faave been selected witfa a to securing the most powerfui light witfa the least possible | amount of heat. We otfer these to the pablic at prices suf- > ficientiy low to induce more people to buy than wii have Lamps < to seU. Garden Hose is as mueh a necessity as a te!epbone. .The long stratches of dry weuther kdls tbe grass uuless it is irngated and yon canuot vcr\* well iingate uuiess yoa have Hose, tbe wuter supply is meagre bat with a little ; coDuiviog one eau always get enougb to keep tbe grass and plants alivc. • Table Knives. Carvers. Spoons and Forks are cheaper Uun they have ever been before and we h«ve a big stocfc of theai. Tfae Knives are the best m »de in tfae States and the Spoons and Forks the best qaadrup a plaie. These wiil hisl longassoiid w. re that costs fuur or five times «s mueh. We keep always a fuii line ol • these and ean supply any demand. We neglccted to mention wheu wnting at Garden Hose tfaat we hav6 » qoautity of the latest improved water spnnklers that we cansell very eheap anū whieh «re bound to give &»sii>factiud, if for eo otfaerreasou thau tbey will not get b9t o! order and very iiuiō iagce of water ruas ihem. & lstes | 307 Fon Somi