Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 209, 12 September 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

;ASSIQfiEE S E ! nie Evrn?E <nr>ci: ■ >F Wenner & Co. WILL B£ SOLD Reg3rdfess of Cost. PIONEEK i Steam C&NDY Factory, B i I* FRY and k*o Cream Parlors! • ORN \M)J Wi 1863 111 1894 W &gr PRACTICAL CONFEC T1ONEH and ORNAMENTER In all branehet of Ihe hueine** o.» lhe$e Uhinde. Amer:o»o, Gen:i»n and French PASTRIEs MaJe to Order. BIRTH-DAY AND WEDDING GAKBS M«de of the Verv Bost Material and at Reasonable Rates. Family Graham & Fancy Bread Al‘rays un Hanā. A l.l. €OXFECTIO!IEBY Manufactnred at M.v Establishment Are Guaran!eed to bc Positively Pure and > SoTd at Priees no other est&blishment ean compcte with. FACTORY AND STORE, No. 71 UoteI Street, Ilonolnln. Bofh Telcphones No. 7C jy26 Per S.S. AUSTRALIA from the Coast GAMAEINOS Refrig*erator Contaia a Full Supply of lee Houee, suoh as Frozen Oysters, Crabs, Fresh Saliuon, Canliflower Celery, Muscat Grapes, * Peaches, Aprlcots Mectarines, » Japanese P!uras Tokay Grapes, y German Prunes Crawford Peaches, Silver Prunes Ilose Peru (vrapes, Bartlett Pears, S:kle Pears. Etc. (alifornia Fruit j Market. , Muiaaī Tel. 378 It Gust. A. Mauer, | HAWAllAN HOIEL BARBER Ladm Shampooing a speci-\ alty. Honolulu. aug-*. I : [ plotel |Cahului, Maui. Sa(* S»|tq, pr9Pkiator. «cpt 7-t/ WE ISVITB ALL 8MŌKEB» To eall ar.d inipeei oar Ute imponauon oi the celebria:ed 6. B. D. p pea, cigsn and e garette holders. HOLLim«ACO. * 74 : BOTH TELEPHOKES: 71 —COSSOLiDATED—st W WATK8 WOBBS -00. 1 Laum».. *