Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 209, 12 September 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

The White House! 118 Nuuanu Avenue. HONOLULU HAWAIIAN ISLANOS fyomlng pm IS EVERY RESPECT. 83oas tr9i $1M te $3.00 jer Vset er 50c. jer Dai PAULLEMKK PROPRlATO» Be!l lelephone 132. «og 22 JfOTICE TO Piene Parties. L m —AND—OEN'EKAL PUBLICI At SRlrn‘s Bus axo Liveby Stab!.e, Kino Stref.t. [A-.!joinins M«trcpoIiS*n MpaI M»rket.’ 1* the Ch««pest l'laee in Town you ean Bnsses, W*goneties, Buggie» anil S*dnt« Hors< s. It will p«T ynn »o oall «nd •** befoK» you trr eL*ewhere. 5C5T Malual Telephone 408 jjrZS •ngl-tf 290 Ring Up 290 United Carriage Company, M. REIS $ J.C. OUINN To or Lea»e, A HOUSE on King »trvet. n»**! to T R. \V»Iker s prenbe«, cont«ininc p«Hor. dinainz room, «nd thre«! bedroom*. bc»idea klīenen, )iatUroim. »t«b)o aud all niodern i ron\<-nienocs, )atc!y oceopied b_v Mr. D. ni»on. Artesi»n water Uud; rent modenUi to rc«I pon»Ibie partr. Ahnn ABRAHAM FERNA.\DEZ. uu £i--lca B. BERGERSEN, Uenenl Aitnt for i ,SIN&ER SEWING MAOHINE COM PY. Al) Kinds of Needles for Sale and Repairing Done. Uamoo’a IMook, Bethel Street, Honololn. P. O. Box 440. jy31 Empire Saloon, J.\irErt OLDS, PAoramoB pine Wir,es, Liquors. 3ee? ĀLWA3 OS HAXD, Coraer Nouaru and Hcte) Streew. BeO T«i«pbon« 311. Po«t O«o« Box 107 Capt. Wm. Davies, Ri2:scep, St©vedore and Wreckep. ESTIMATES and costracts os ALL KUTDS OF WORK. Steaml r Waim«a»lo triil rnn resrul3r/to Wūoiae, Waie’ a aml ■VarJ <n«Iing^ »t >£ai oi J. 8. B|MU («blW. %ibEiV