Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 300, 13 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

iiolomna (Talcndar. % j SEI*T. 13. 1S94. |(IKIH.> ,n%ll. SE«VIfE. Stea 'iphip» will U»arc for «n<l arr_ve tr«im Ssn Fnndno an<l othcr fomgn t nx, on or abrmt the following datc«. lill the eloe" of 1S‘U. ( rA vt noxounx Dn at IIoxoLrLr n-i* Sas FuW isfo. F«. S\x Fxvxrwo OT. V*5COCTtR. CR Va5COCV»E. Anstr»li* Jnnc23 Moaowai Jnnc*2S Wanimoo Jnly J Anstr»lin 4nly 21 Almiu ’.a Jn!y 2fi Aniwa Ang. 1 A«Btrali* Ans. 1« Mnnpow» Ang. 2." Wanimoo... • S«T t - J Anatralia Sept. 15 Mono«ii....H''. " Arnwa Oct. 3 Anntrali« Oct. 10 Ainmc<I» IH Wanimoo.... Not. I Anstmlin ...Nnr. 10 Mari|xwa... .Not. 15 Amwo 0*5*. 1 Annlmli».... ,De<;S Monowni ....Dec. 13 Wammoo... .Dcc. 30 Anstmli*....Jnne lfi irm Jnnc 23 Mariposa July 5 Analmlia.... Jnly 14 Wanimoo.. . Juiy 23 Monowai Ang. ‘2 Aitstm!ia....Aug. 11 : Amwa Au(j. 23 Al»nje<la.... Aug. 30 Anstralia Aepi. 8 Wnrrim< >o... I -ept. 23 Mariposa. ...Lcpt 27 Anstmlia Oct. 6 Amwa Oct. 23 Monowni .... Oct. 25 Anstmlia Kor. 3 Alame<!a.... Not. 20 Warriraoo.. .NoT. 23 An‘tmlin Dcv. 2 Marij)Osa... .Dec. 20 Amwa Dec. 22 Au8tmlia..,.Doc. 31 VC85EI> I» PORT. JX*r*L VBSIU. n R M S Hracinth. Mny, F,sqnmult. B. C. I' S S ' hnrl ston CofBn, S F. II I (i M S Maiia, CaUa*t MKKCHAKTMCN. Am liVt!ie H N <'a-tle, Hnbbard, San Fmn. (i. r l>k nta. Tiemann, I iTerpool. >. ),r W ST«lboi,B nhum.Newc.stle NS". !?k R 1’ Rithci, «or i«on, S F. }tktne rittnter, Dow. I,y*an Island. Bk (’ D Brya:Jt, Jaeobsen, S F. Rk Velocitv. Martin, Hongkong. S, lir Rob* rt Lewers, Goodnmn, Wa hington | lik \imarn, Brown, NeweaaUe, N S". An. bk Martba D.ivi<l, ('emai H. C. Am hk (,Vvlou. San Fr<»ncis8co. <> s, S. Anstralia. S..n Franci»soo s< h Emma Clantlina Nels m, Fang’s Isl. ■ Olll K.K VISS» LS EXPECTED. Am hk W S Phelpa. ..<'.ray’s Har....Dne S hr Allen A S F (Mah),....-dne schr K<>bert Lewem. ._Gr iy'Il'b’r..... .Dne l>r s!rp Ommra Newcastle.... Aug. -- Sc’trr S..,li<* 8 F (Kah).... Ang. 20 0,v I» S S Rflgic Yokohama.. Ang. -I Rk i’ D Bnraut 8P. Ang. KM S S Miuipoau .. ,Syduey.... Ang. -3 (>k N Wilcox....Miihllesborough.Ang-5 CA SS Amwa Vancouver.. .Aug. 24 O S S Alameda S F Ang. 30 C.% S S W>.rrimoo Sydney Ang. 30 ( MSS Chiua. San Fjhu. ...8ept. 3 Bktu. Jolur Smith Newea-Ue. .Sept. 4 G, rbk Panl lsenberb.. Bremen... .Nov. 1 |!i.rk R uenlwek Liverpool. ..Nov. 23 J. J. Williama the well-known Aiti«tic Photographer is making n specialtj - <>f portraits on Watch Di.ls »ud 8ilk Handkerchiefs. Coraplete scts o( Lantern slides locturos ean be had at thogallery. J’or thcv are so!d at a reasouabIe figure by the dozun or by the hundred. 1 ll.ank iheOennan nian-of-war f r lln ir kind proteotion not only that 1 sell the popular 17 bars of 5Jiap for $1.25, but give 54 lbs more f >r ttie money than any house in the cily. N. BREHAM. Bethel St. Mutual Tel. 314. aug ‘2*2 * F4iK SALE, f FINFLV brcl Bl*LL, tcrrier pupa. Ennain ,,f Wm. Woolhmu, at DR. KOWATS’ lufirmary, Kmg street. sel-lra CU\CUU Cli(dUlT —OF THE — l^LANū^ IN PROBATE. In tbe matlcr of thee*t*te of RAse eno. lat« of Uonolulu. Oahu. dc«eased, In•*tate. Oo the peadiinr »nd thc pvtition of [RS NANCT STILLMAN of «aid Honolnlu, lccing lbat Ro*e M >ttca,r of said Honolulu, ed inl.'ī.iale *t *a>d H>*oolaltt. on the 4th iy t*f Febrnary. A D and pmv;ns that rttem of Admink*tration i**ae to her, said ancv StlUman. It f. ord<-rx-d. tbat on FRIDAT. th« 21»t day ’ SEPTEMBEK. A. D l«M, bc »nd hereby apjK>iutisl for hearing »»>d petitl»m. in the >urtroorn of Ihi* Conrt, at Honolnlo, at hu-h rime and piaee a)l per*on» c»nccmed »v appear and *how ean»e, lf any tbev have, l.v *;.id petirioo *tmnld not be er*nted. D<u.d ilonolnin, a **• &£»?*• CU*KLtS F. PCTR«*05. Uork. ang. 25-3wdly mi:deiros i Co. Mei’ehnnl Tailoi>' Am.e iean, Eugii*lf au.l 8o»tch Tw«<xU on haml. First-cla«« wurk gnar»nteed. Hotel St. t nn>ier Ariington Uotei Bl»©i iioaoiuiu. ' S. DECKRBt M«ttnimr