Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 302, 15 September 1894 — HIS MISSION. [ARTICLE]


Mr L- A. Th\iitnn 1* fk Hnnolaln to-dmy iit »e Aistr»lia The A 1rfrti*er r«fer»in ma? to »ch ng terras to the dep»rt«d , dor” nnd be«pe*ks f>r him a bearty weleom? in M'<i'ibington. Tho editor of tbe A lvrrtioer knowa better. Mr. Tlmrst »n is not goiog to W;»Hh'ngt<*n to t <ke np lii» |M>it«on 35 n ini-ter tlu-re. If be d<1 he w«>u tl not b- wel- ; comed and his pen*on'«l nrn»ngDieot» wouhl cert-iin!y prevt-nt # hini fruin being received in tbe j aacred circl»-R t.f c< >rps iliplomaHe even if be roigbt be oflieiallv re- i cogni/-<?d l»v the Recrtiry of stuto t r g<*t a i offic :il nod from i CleveUnd. A Cninese ma< d <rin, : a E ir pe.in nohh-man, ora Soutb Anj*-r'c»u gentlen.un are wel- j comed wbenever they ap|»ear I singly under tbe ofiica eloak of | tbeir foreigu oflBce«. Tbeir f.uui- | līea are alao received wbenever i it is known th.it tbey spr;ng fi >m the select circle» • f “8ociety. r ’ | A ‘ahowmau *u 1 secoud | lawyer w<tb nn obscure f;imily mav beto!ented iu Wasbington, 1 be will never be raet «s an eqnal | or r»cognized, by tho men nhoi he impudeutly will term hiaeol ; leagues. And tberefore nobody believed tbat Tburston really wag going to W/i»hington but it wns easily ! lenmed tbat bis mission direct« bira to Europe where he !« t > «ct ns a Inbor e ornmissi >ner while Mr. Hastings will eonlinue to represent Hawaii und bang aronnd the anti-roori’s of tbe Metropolitan Club. We b ave noobjection tothe mis ! sion of L. A. Thorston. lf he : ean socure g od wliite lahor for ! Hawaii he is deserving of credit by «11 f»ir tliinking men. That is if be indooes thom to eoine bero nf(er a trutbful and opon statenumt of facts. M'e don’t want nnymore p ople here under false pretensos.

It is to l»o roRretteil hut it is s fart that Mr. Thurston is not re1 īh1»1<*. His onc j boasteti honoaty has sidiy been impared. Ile lies' In n fow montiis he *nll arrivo in tho Azoies. Froiu tbere h«? will go t>» Gorraanv to Swoden, Snrw,ty aml manv other pl«oes and overvwhere he will toll the ignor*nt f.»rraer and the adventur>us laboror th »t Uawaii offers eokien opj>ortnnilies to «ny man who will cast his lot in tho Par.idise of the Pacific and tako ' the ehaneoe under Do'e's repnblie. if uot stopp din tiine some { poor deluded crowd will liston to the flstU>riug offers of Thorston and they wiil eoioe here to find thera«elves dcfr.uule 1 nnd d—ceived, to wakeup iuiserable«od ( homesick wretohes to wh< ra the | naked truth st«res as a revei«tion ( and riiurston’s proraues disap-1 j>o«r like so.»p bubbles e believe m eocour<ging mmii- | gration, but utver shall »ve sinc j lion fraudulent rae.»ns or represen 1 tations.

1 he Portug~'rse isi this rountry to-day «re ftnrving and me**ting «11 kind» of b-irdship. The Gertu»n «nd Sc4iidinavian imnipinli 1 «ho, at ooe t me l«nded on tb ; « b«ach. have either l*-ft nr rfiuxin b«re cuwrg ihe diy when tbev *®re induced to le« \ e (hfir h -n\es to ri»k the chtt.ce» » f f>rtin« in H«iraii. TUere ii no r>x>m at pre#ent f.ir vhit« men to eome h*r«f, Tney will fiud the trork nn•aitab!e to tbeoi t ■ g ‘Veroineni, m>>ro • , o»f*otic «nd tyr»nn cd thj: «ny found «ithia th« )>rcetncta <>f £urop*. T ey » II fi, d d ».t|> poiulweui uq d »j*pp >intment. a«>d whoo they fina ly iaok *ro i.>i to wrcak v«iigej*uce oo the smo »tht*ttgafd so»uiulrel who induced tb«-tn to o ’im- • rc. they w U fi d h!ta gone to foro gn }»rht, tempting otber [eoph t» tntk« tboir fortunes ia gu»va jvlly aod dr»wiog a hatidsome nl*ry wiih wbtcb uAie wu;

• f tbe wor!d iu • cbe«p manner. free »nd gr»t.e. W». tben-f re, encounge everybdv ī’ e-d bere-whp Ji«a Ja«rn- "* d % 1 ksou *a d wbo kuows tbe i n*s«»cts o! H»w*ii to write to their frends ‘at b* me and warn (ii-ni fr m i »ten ng t * tbe bLod « f L- A. Thnrst*>D. Tbne is no ehanee at « rese:.t f*«r fonig en? bere. Let tbe I’orta-j pne-oe wrte t ■ bis friend* to stav | aw <y. Let everv-bone«t Oerm*n. Sc nd nav an *nd Bi lisfaer infonu tbeir fiie d« th»t roisery n d «t<rvation «wail ihem if tbey throw tbe «<*«rives in to H >waii *nd ; fol!ow T urst >n. Let every eoos i and n-prei»entaUve bere tell b « govfrnnienl tbe truth ind notbiug <-xcept the truth aud Mr. ■ Tharst"u s mis«ion wi!l bewb*t! it deservt-s to be —A i'AiLUBE.