Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 302, 15 September 1894 — APPARENTLY FRIENDS. [ARTICLE]


The Schu*tzen Cluh and the \m»-rican League h.ive dr>pped t‘icir bickerings and are shaking hands publidy. They are watch- >' g eaeh <>ther though, and Uie r u»ut ih! euepieioue have not abit-d t!tog»ther. A coramittee of eonftTC! C*j met yesierd(y aiul presu:nably div;d d the epoila. The !; >vcrniue<:t niay l>e cousult<-d l«ter <>n and he blessed with another ul |tiraatum. The following Iett-»r in the Adr*rtū*r is a rep<>rt «>fthe I conf* rence: The Conferci>ce Com<n ttce «>t thc Schuetzen Club aml the Aratrican Le.<gue hcid a me»t- « ST th s m rnirg. A |>oIirv ofc*>necrte«l *cti»n «»» agre d upon and wi 1 bc r,>j>ort «1 to the resp«*ctivc ■ >rg«niz *ti»ns. Thc coiiferenc** » s fri«*ndlv. 88 have bccn all the ,-* ssion8. therc w.,s nod spos ; tion ! 1 f"°»«® *de to 8eoiire an advant >g f the othcr, and it is beli*-ved thst ■>nly muloal be»efit will rcsult trom the undcrstinding reached. Rcspcctfully, S. B. Mcbuy, tp Towsk, A.Ki.kmme, J Ca K8TOH. Jomt Coo:mittee.

J. J. W illiams tbe well-known Artistic Photograpber is making « speeUdty of portraits on W«tob Di-*ls aud 8ilk H«ndkercbiefs. Coroplete sets of Lantern s)ides lectures c«n be had »t Ihe gallery. For lhey are sold at a reasonable dgure by the doc«n or by tbe ban«lre«i. * *" ■ i