Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 302, 15 September 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]

Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.

AugQM OV, The thoosands at.d thoeands of people wbo read the daily p «pers j *od get tfae nevrs faappeuiDgs ■ from the foar qnarters of earth, do so witb little thoaght of the expense attached to getting out a p*per and tfae triuls and tribolati»*cs of tfae editor and freqnent i loss of iuonev to the owners Tfae d fficnlties whieh be set tfae piths of newspiM»er people vary acc»>rdmg to !oc«litv; in tfae Nothern States, wfaere there are ‘nine mouths winter and tiiree i montbs very Iate f.iH.'’ it freqnentlv nappens tfaat tfae roads are bloctaded witfa snow, just abont tfae tbe paper sapply is ex- ; lmnstea. so tfae editor faas to fall back on fais polishe«l-snrf eo book paj>er to get out fais edition. In Vicksburg, Missisippi, away back iu tiie sixties an entire stock of wall paper was used in gettiug out a weekly p.iper, newspaper was not obtainable. In some places the people will ; demand a maximnm of news, telegrHpfaic and loeal at a minimuoi price. and tfaen want to pay tfaeir subscription and advertising bills in wood or vegetables. But when Saturdav nigfat comes arouud tfae gentle and ungentle compositor rebels, when he is of- 1 fered anything, bnt eoin in payment for liis services, and tfais accounts for tfae fact tfaat faalf tlie editors iu Uuited States are troubled witfa ius<»mnia We liave known compnsitors in eoun- ; try towns to aotually refnse to live on a diet of rolier composiand str ke if the editor woulīl not 1 divido tbe coutents of the paste pot. In Honolulu, tliings are different; paper is manufaotured in Calif(»ruia, and tlie oeean never freezes so_ faard tfaat tho vessel • can t run, so tliere is no delay tliere iu getting a .stock of paper; tfae “typos” nsnally meet tfae busioess Managers on Satorday witli a broad smile wliieli tliey give in escliange for good gold eoin, aiul tlie editors wlio do not wear searcli ligfats in tfaeir shirt fronts leave Uiem off, because 1 they do not wisfa to be mistaken by tourisls for capitalists. The i compositors, too, are «f a better I class tliau you will flnd on tfae Pacific Coast; thev T dress better, | live better aud are be(ter citizeus tbaii yoU will find iu otfaer places, i eveu at twelve aud a haif ceut beer is not indace uent enougfa for Uiem to t ike on “j ig.’’ If tfaere is unything that will set ofi tfae appearance of a liome, a good liangmg Lamps is tfae | tfaing. We have a new stock of L»raps t!iat is so vaned in 8tyles i and prices tfaat we ean suit tfae 1 tastes und purses of everyone. | Tfae burners, whieh is really ; more importaut tlian.the decora tions, faave been selected witb a to securing tlie most powerfuI light with tfae le.*st p«»ssib!e amooni of faeat. We offer thtse to the puhlie at pnces suf ficieutiy low to iudnce more peoto buy thau we bave Lamps to se!l.

Garden Hos© is as mueh a ueces>ity hs a lelephone. The long stretches of dry weather kiils the prass uuless »t is irr gited aud yon canuot very well iirigala □ utess yon bave Hose, tbe water RO|.ply U meagre but with h little coun*ving one ean ulwuvs get ’enongh to keep tiie grass aud pl«nLs alive. Table Enives, Carvers. Spoons and Forks «re cLeaper tbun tbey ! bave ever been bēfi*re and we) b iv« n big st *ck o( the«c. The Knjres «re tbe best m«de in tbe ' States and tbe Spv>ORs and Forks tbe best qnadrup e pl«te. Tbese will last «H lunga*so)id w a re that d>sts funr or five tjme« na mueh. We keep alwuyg a full hue of tbcse go*xls and ean snppiv anv (lemauo. Wa negiected to mention whm wr*Ung ubom G«rden Houe tb**t we b«ve a qnanlity of tfae l«b*st { taiproved w*iter «pnnklen tbat i wa c*n seil rery cbe«p and «bicb ! *re boaiid to give «.iiiulaeliua. if i for no otber re«son tlmn tbey wili uot get out of order a«ui rerv ; l:t*!c frrce nf r i br r-as them. 1 ' Til EiKiil miiK 0. i 901 FoiiSit—i