Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 303, 17 September 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp’y. [ARTICLE]

Hawaiian Hardware Comp’y.

September 1<, 18WIf we remember correctly the 4, Cb«riesf>n’’ was the first of the “Whiie Sqa»drnn ' to visit Hono® lula. Her arrival on her secon»l is sti 11 in the minds of people who were bere on January •29, 1891. When with fl*£3 at htlf mast and yards c-ock-bailt she entered port with the body of King Kalakana, the kind attenttons shown by the officers to the King dnring the voyage to the United States and the, a’most sacred manner in whieh the body was gnarded whilebeing borue to the Is’ands, endeared :be 4, Charleston” to the people of Hawaii. As mueh as it was in tbe power of tbe people, tueir appreciation was shown to the officers daring their stay and when saīled they left graven on Ublots of love and memory,evidences of their Aloha for Hawa.i. Few, if any. of the officers wbo were bere then are on the vessel now; some have reached the age of retirement and others have gono to other vessels but the Charles|fu is still greon in the heart of the Hawaiians. Have you ever used a Pansy St >ve? We bave been selling them for four or five years and to day they wear the ‘‘Xellow Coat” in the empire of stoves. They are recognized by every oue, even dealers in other stoves, as a saperior article and one whieh they do aot care to rnn up against. 0f conrse stives may be bonght from people who are uot dealors. We have people ruuniug here every day or two for fire bricks and parts belonging to stoves they have bought from other parties, and when they find they canuot get them they discard their stoves and bnya “Pansy.” You see there is a disadvantage in bnying dear things at low pnces. Come io us and get a Pansy at 815 00 and yon get full value for yonr raoney. Yon don’t get a 875.00 range for fifteen dollfrs, mind yo », bnt you get a first class stovo that is worth Thirty dollars to any one Our Ready Mited Paints are s uted to the wauts of ueople who have a little painting they want to do themselves. The advantago in bnying a prepared paint is that yoo liave the benefit of the best tnixors in the United Stites withont haviug to pay f<»r it. Tbe paiut is ready for use directly yon take the top oft’ the ean and if yoa don’t find it eheaper and better than any yon ean mix ycurself we are mistaken in our experience' In California the rainters are nsing the pn*pared article in preferetice to bnying lead and oils bec iuse they find it to their advantage to do so We bebeve it is only a question of time when the painters here will fall into line. Hanging lamps are in as great demand now as ever. People seem to wunt something for ligbting pnrposes th..t will give as good light as the snn —they find it in the lamps we &re giving aw«y. Onr ehe ip stand lamps are an excellent thing for a servants room and wiil find a ready sale in the lsland stores. We ean demand. for lamp or fontM4»osand. Tbere’s lots of Hawaiians whose Kuleanaa need fencing and w&have the wire with whieh to do it. We have aiso the material for building a fence tbat will last uniil Iong after the millenium. Instead of paying a hign price for pests. or even getting them for tle cntUog. your fence wili cost you less m >ney iI yoo bay &teel staya and washers and m ike a Jones Loeked leoee. We hsve everytbing yon «ant in ihe bardware and hooae furni»hing goods Pne yon »ish. And we coort invaatigation aa to iheir qa*lity and prica& Haii’iK L. j V 307 Ibit84nRl