Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 303, 17 September 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

T. B. Murray Is 1 t‘< lo h ( MIIII ll On thi* Old hianil, Xo. II Kin? St.—!Ils ua CARRIAGE AMI )CL)

Gocs] On. rrWhen the ‘ PEOPLES’ PARTY ’ gets smashe<l he will bo ready to REPiIR PAINī AND TR1H lī , At a Ke:iSonnbIe Fignre.— N'o Estra Churgo for Furnishiug them with Oi'inmon Sense. LETTHEM RINQ UP MUTUAL TELEPHONE 572. Cm S. NISHIMJRA,

Commission Meiehanl, 19 Strect, Honoluln IMPORTEKS and DEALERS hi JAPAN TEA DRT (JOODS. S1LKS aiui PK0VI3ICNS. New (.ood» bjr K*erj Ste«iuer. Mutaal Telphone. 317. aept 6-tf. SM0KER8, ATTENTION. Holl stcr A Co. have received a forther s;pply of the celebratod G. B. D pipea uirect from the factory as well as a new stoc<of ainlier aiul nieerschauni cigar ana c’gan?tto h ldeif. A)9o wax malehe?. • Cong Branch

8/vTHMGEstab!ishment. This F;rst-€1 1».-» B<thing 11-s >rt h;<» enl*rged and «3 now oim'h lo the pnhlie. lt is the b-.«t plae* •*n the »Iands t-» enj >y a and there ie no better olaee t« Iay «fl. S(»ec!al aee iramodati«na f«r bi - d>es. Tr*racars p»s»s the d «>r everv half hour. and «n S»turd«yB and Sundays every fifteen miuutes. C. J. SHKRWOOD, jy“24 Fmpr etor. FiJ't

Mv\kET, E T c -i Coraer Kiag ao<i AUkea CainariDos Refrigerators Bv Et«v Stcam«r from Fr*n ti*co. vit& Fresh Fruit. Oysiers, Salmon, Pculiry, Iie., Etc-. £tc, Etc. Kvt 0. *9i—lr. CHIX KEE. HOR8ESHOEIN6 SHOP, Maunake* * l'auahi Street. Scw «et all ro-nJ t l 50 OLi Kt all r>uu*l 1 00 >‘mi 1Amt Su Nu. 5 LsgtM Uaum. «agt