Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 304, 18 September 1894 — IT'SA TOSS UP [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]


Sometimes where to go to purcbase any particnlar artLle, but not if you happen to want anytbing in the line of Artists' {5upplies, Plctuie ppomes, or enlarged portraits, there is but one plaee in Honolnlu, to parcbase all materials, and that’s KING BROS.’ Store, for whieh there is no rival on these Islands. The finest paintings in Hawaii, are on eshibition in this gallery. The firm makes a specialty of enlarging portraits as weli‘ as making pictore frames in the very latest styles of mooldings. In ihe sheet pictures, they« have thonsands to select fion> of whieh they invite an inspection at aoy Ume. KING BHOS-, Hotei Streel, Honololn aug. 2ō-Imdiy.