Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 304, 18 September 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

LA0IE8’ OOLUMN.I * “Whene'er I Uke niy waik? *broad how many poor I see: I>r. wss the author cf| minv bvmn5. bnt the Iearned anu revered versifier wa$ never m tmer luoe thao when he wrole the lines was quote. He saw the cla5s he desoribek, just as they are seen now, and many ct the causes whieh in those days created poor people. operates in eiactly the sanae DQan"ier tcday — the rfeatest caose waa undoubted!y IHJUDIGIOUS BuyirtCi r and wa?te of n.oney in i>ursuit of the will o* the wisps of trade. neglect ofo|>portun;lie>, nol tal.’.ng advantaee of a Qjick !|^lēs S(»\LL Pt D flT svsiem. Good so!d on that b;i5<is mean a positive saving to you. There is no denying this, aml no one ever was niade p>oor bv econmy. We hardly know when to eommenee when it gets to mentiomng good. Our etock is so full of new goods Our White I-inen and White and Colored Cotton Ducks are well wortb menlion. We also have some lovely patterns of Cotton Crepcs in Morning and Evening Shades These Crepes are new goods and will please you. Also a full line of We want you to look at them, S«Lk PoF\y!Ef\ES, CHeNILUE P Of\1’IEf\ES. and as for R,Uqs. we have almost any you want. Next week >\ 0OL E A' GOODG will be heard from. B. F. EHLERS & C0. - L. B. KERR'S ANNOUNCEMENT! I H.WE JUST RECEIVED A L.\RGE ASSORTMEST 0F . FINE SUITINGS, ELEGANT PATTERNS, ANDLATESTSTYLES. ; These goods will be sold in any Qaantity from a 100 Tards Dowx to Enouoh * to M.\ke a Sdtgle Scit ! —ASD AT— HiSD THE PRICES i L. K. RERR. . - IUPOBTEB, Queen Street. Sept5-3m TUn REKD1£8. WILL eeaaePOiumpOoo, Rb«csadinB, C«L»ni>. Croup.aH akia Uimw, F«auC« Cov«d4 «:«> In U»e <rom fora. Hope» in enteruined ti*t H «III c«re L*^ro«y, T>«r m V(f«Ukt* Bf»<lil «nd r*n be i»»i by Um n«t 4«Hc«sa «ad Lne rocnfe*t Ck0d. PtV*i «HMb Um Tt*eh of alL 3oM by Jl r». C. o. 6«u«w»r« 1H Klae »treel, w*y B;o oad«r H«xmooT AH. Ao&oMIu.