Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 1, 19 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Benson, Smith & Co. The Corner 0RU6 STORE Pure Dru#s, j Fiue Perfumis, Pix)mpt Attention, Low Price:= Corner Fort & Hotel Stt. aul ARRIVED Pēi\ "A.Jst^a.uv” J 0 French and Scotch Ginghams (new) lOo.. 20o. and 25c. Yictoria Lawna (new). I0yda for 75c. White Dr j ss Goods (now).. 10c., 15c., ‘20o.. ‘25c., 30o.. 35c White and Colored Dimities [new] 20c. and 2,'»c Llaunelletts, all colors, (new; 10 yds for $1.0» St2rThe old maiim—“There is nothing new nnder the aun’’—knocked out. Call and be convinced. / M. S. LEVY, Who is now spttled in Benson, Smith * Co. ’s 01d Slaud, Fort Stroet HOLLISTER & CO. Importers, Wholesale and KeUil Dealers;in Fine Oigroxs, To”toacco, AM) Sxxxolrers Agents for the Celebrated Gr. B. D. PIPES, MADE IX FARDv ug7 PDEIFIĒD WAĪĒE. % 3\To Microbes. riS l*SED BT TOE COS3-3UDArED SODA gWATER WORKS COM P AN Y—Limited. Tr±a©3r IFu.rn.i3la. tne Pouritaias Tlrrou.g*lio-CLt, tlre] City. 'EXCEmXG ONE | Fnx© as Or3rsta.l, IX-