Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 1, 19 September 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

INS UR A N C E,-«* FIRE AND MAPINE THE • NDERs>WNED IS aUTflORlZKl) TU T'KE FIRE asd MaKLN R!SK.S ON Buildincrs, Mei'chandise, i 1 ullcv Canrops, i»Veio:hts aud Commissioi is At CaiTout Kutos. in tlie Foll6wing Cos. samely: ROYAL IXSURAXCE COMPAXY, LlVKRPOOL, ALLIANOE ASSURANCt FIRE £ MARINE, LONUON, WILHELMA OF MADGERURG GENER\L 1NSURANCE CO. SUN INSURANCE COMPANY, SAN 9'RANCISC0. J. S. WAI .KER, £m~ Agpnt f,f.the Hawaiian Islands. ORWAT & PORTEE, Robinsou Block, Holel St, heiween Fott and Nuuanu, Have J ust Receivf d. |er L»te Airivals, tLc I j iftst SlccL cf FUR N1TCRE Ever IrapOrted to this Country, Compjising Handsome Carved Bedroom dets In Solitl Oak, and ot thc LA T/:ST DESIGAS. ESPECIAL ATTENTION IS CALLED T0 TMESE SETS: W ICKER WARB, Beaut fiil Dvs gns <*f Wiek r consisting of SOFAS, C«AIKS, ROCKERS. etc.,vou ean get tbese in sny FIN1SH you desire. CHAĪRS, , Coontless uunil)ers of CHAIRS, in everv style, inc)udiug OFFICE and HIGH CHAIRS. es:teitsioit le.AEiLiEa, Wo bave had a calls for tbeso Tables, with CHAIRS to rautcb. V'e bave now in stock tbo most BEAUTIFUL DINING RG0M FURNiTURE EVER SEEN HEEE V Sideboards and GliitFojiieis i:r XDI -\TJk. 1ST D vans covered wilh P0RT1ERS are becon»iug qtutelbe rage in plaee of LOUNGES we mauufacture t:.e:a to urdt,y, uml bave <i laigo stock of P0RT1ERS to sel ct from. Gro. t Assortraent of W()VEN W1RE MATTRESSES¥Spring, H;<ir, Moss, Wool and Straw Mattresses ou hand and i/ade to onler. LIVE GEESE FEATUEES and SILK FLOSS fur Fd:ows. CR1BS, CKADLES, etc. WiNDOW SHADES of all colors and siz s. CORMCE POLES, in wood or br.iss trimmings. B IEI IT,G-. Mattresses, Louuges anJ all Upholstered Furuiture repaired at r>'asonablo n.tes. CABINET MAKLNO, in all its braucbes, by Competent Workraen. MATfiNG LA1D and lut-rior Decorating umler tbe Superrisiou of Mt. GEORGE ORDWAY Our Goods ;<re F rst C1 >ss. and <nr priccs are tnc lowest Come and be C'mvinced —a trisl is s dicitod. Boll 525. telephones: Muhiai 645. ORDWAY & PORTER, R»)biuson Block. botween Fovt and Nnuanii Tklf.phonbs: Bell 351 Mulual 417 KtSlDENcl: Muiual 410 P. O. Box 117 F. B. THOMAS, C0NTRACT0R and BUILDER 1 Estimat©s Griven 011 A.11 Kinds OP WH, K, WIWOOUEN All Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Trade # Attended to. KEEPS FOH 8ALE: Snca Lime, Ccment, Iron Stone Pipe and Fittings, 01d ā New Corrogatod Lron, MinUm,Tileg, Quarry Ti’ee, assortod euaee and colora; C*hfoima *ud Monterey Sand, Gr*nite Ccrbing and Eloeka, etc. eto. l Corner King <51 Smith Su. OFFICE YARD: ] Office Hours, *to la 11., ( ito4 P M.