Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 1, 19 September 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

MACFARLANC .V CO. ī>enJen in Whics un l SpirUs Ki»bnnnm Street, Honolala. H. S. McINTYRE BRO.. Oboceby. Feed Stobe <fc Eakep.i. Corner r ;l King .-in.1 Fort Sts., Honolnln 4. PHILUP8, PRACTICA1. PLOMEEK, «AS.FITrER X)PPEK-SMITH, Honse and Ship Job U ork Promptly Execnted. No. 71 King Street. Honolnli 1)h. MeLENNAN, F«*rt Stre«t, above HoteI. Mulual Telephone G«2.1 >r elllee; 287 lbr residence. jy28 j:i). C- ROWE. Housc Sirjn and Oinamenlal Painfer. Manuf.iclure of Liquid SIatii:g. G20 Ring Street. augl LEWIS J. LEVEY, Hetil Estate and General Auctioneer. 'Joru<-f Fort aud Qu«cn 8treo!s Houoluln > Peraonal attonti>'n given to Sales of Fnrnilnre, Real Estate. Stoek and Goner; ! Meichnndigfi. M'HimI Tcleohon« FAT BOV." BAY H0RSE S LUON ! P. McINERNT, Proprietor, Fine Liquors, Wines anu Beer. Corneh Betiiel asd Hotel Sts. Honolulu Carriage Manufactory «6» \v. w. wbiqht, Paor«iKTOR, (Sui'ccssor to O. Wefl). PaRRIAOE BL’II.DĪKG axd kepaikino. AII Orders from the Other l$lands in Ihe Carriagc Build!ng, Trimiaing and Painting Llne «ill Meet wlth Prom(>t AUinlion. Bla< ksmithinc in All Its Varions Branohcs j Done. P. O. Box 821. Nos. 12S and 180 j Fort8treet. jrl»ly i W. S.LUCE \\ r iiie and 8uirit Merchaiit C<impbeU Fire-proof liloek, UERCHAKT 8T. HONOĪ-T7r,U. Anchor-:-Saloon Ex “AUSTHALIA,” Another Iuvoice of the \Vorld KonowneU FREDERICKSBURG LAGEft BEER Ou draaght and by the keg. Also, as a Spet‘ialt\’. Small Fresh Caufornia j 0YSTERS, FOK COCKTAILS: mayl 3ms CITY CARRIAGE C0. Corner K1NG and BETHEL St. CAERIAGES, AT ALL HOLT!S. lk»th Telephonee No. 118. J. S. ANDRADE. M*n*ger june \OTI(l. L oer*ons tu» waradrt no« to ti»tr f o th* W» Usov«i uni U)«igaed pUate«- AU ad on 8tntying on Uw n« Uuo» will Us uaud«d or ohot. LENTAl WAI SING KEE. luauiulu. Aug. JS WW.