Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 1, 19 September 1894 — STRANDED ON MOLOKAI. [ARTICLE]


THEt}. N. WILCOX RUNS ASHORE Vesse:a Sent to Her Rescue Tbe fiae bar«t G. N. W ilcox ran aahoreyesterd*y evea'.ng on tbe windwarJ si le of Molokai. not far fmm tbe lightboose. Tbe »tr ndcd vess*l was on ber way to Hooolnlu from Liverpool w;tb •n exj»ens ve ladicg, ar.d s:;e h«d m de the trip n good time and withoot any ac> :dei>t. Passing along tbe eo;-st of Moloka:. she was btcalmed ?nd JrifteJ <>n tbe rocks. The crew took to tbe b ats «nd arrivcd iu Honoluln e rly this roorning. WLen they ab «nd ut d t ; »e vessel it was full of water. N’ tives on Molok >i took cbarge of the ship. \ ery little hope is entertiiued a» to the pos«ibil>ty of s>ving Ihe sbip or ber cargo, l>ut all possih!e st--ps. bave been taken by H. Hackfeld «fc Co., the agents. Tne t g E!e i iell f r M ilnkai at o’e'.'-eK th's rooroingandbef >re noon, t!»e stantr Iwalani wasdespatched. A nurob rof oeopie Itfl f<»r the scene of the disaster am->ng who «cre Minist--r Kii>g. Mr. Wo!t rs of H *cife!d <t C> . Mr. F. A. Schafcfer Agent f»r l’oe underwr;ter* in BrtMi<en. Cooimcd re Sim >i.s »n and Ad;niral Hewett b< -;<!*•$ ine:ub-.rs of the Press. The steaincrs will j> ssib!y return dur'ng the n>ght wlien fdl particulars will be had. At the poinl wht-re the b>rk is soj)posod t) have been wrecktd , another stranding t-K)k plaee a r;ural)*r of y ars eg.> when the i A i ericau vcssel CtrKt m was Iost. | The cargo of G. N. Wilcox iu goiitr.il raerchand:8e and many n)erchants w ill be d sapj>ointed in !osing t!ieir sp eiul Christmas g)<"ds. T e v s?cl is new and this trip wliie.i endtd s» disagtrousiy was icr .-ee-iinl t > t'iese is!ands. She s owncd by a among ihe n.embers of w hifti arc soveral loenl capitalists