Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 2, 20 September 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

SALE A Complete Hunting Outfit. Ooe b'tch of the f bes; b!o<xi m Anaer c»; reg slere«l iio tbe A. K. S. B. and p»rtlj broken. One i’uiiiter b tch bv Ihe ce!ebrattd G!eube gh that c st $1000 in Engiand. One l’up five week» o!d father and tr.othe»‘ thorocghbreeds. One B.ckb>ard bai!tespee»aHv f»r huiit’ng pnrj 0383. One 12 g oge L. C. S u th guu ae g ne*r aud ;n fine order. Tbe bbove outfit will be sold eheap Kuqnire of V\1H. CUNNINGHAM, Anchor Saloon. sepl9 tf z > aw e e e 5/ ?«5P ir8AT08SUP Sometimes whore to go to purc!iase any particu!ar article, but j not if yon happen to want any- | thing in the line of £rtists’ S\iT3pIics, * ± ?ictupe or enlargcd portraiJ#, thcre is i but oue ]*lace iu JSonoluin, to | purchase all uiatorūGs, and that’s KI>iG WlOS.’ S/re, for whieh ! there is no rifal on thcse Islands. Tbe finest paintings in Hawaii, are ou txhibitiojf in tliis gal!ery. The firm m;:/ces a specialty of enlarging portraits as well as making jiicture fraiues iu the very latest styles <>f raoaldiugs. In tho sheet j>ictures, they havo thousauds to select froin of whieh thoy iuvile au inspection at any time. KIN(t bros-, Hotol Stroot. : : : H-'nolulu ang. 25-1 md y. T. B. Murray I* Vel to be ! oiiml V On the 01(1 Kiaml, \«. 4-1 Ktng Sl.—<li«i S5«.isiiii-ss aa CARRIAGE / TPUi r rrnj;j (»oes OnWiien the ‘ PEOPLES ! PARTY ’ gets su»ashed he will be ready to EEPilE PAIHī AHD ĪEIM lī At a Ke\sonab!e Figure.— No £xtra Chargo for Furnishing ihom with Oommon Senso. LET THKiI ltlNG UP MCTUAL TELEPHOXE 572. |U«a r. - —