Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 2, 20 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Ch.oice fiorses ,ox Saturday. - Sept. 29, at 12 o’eloek noon, I will sell at Public Aueiiou in front ol’ my Saics Koom without rcserve, the follcwing Hnrses āixd Mares, 1 ! 1 F*mily hlaek hors®, liH bauds 7 years o!d, broken to haruess aml saddle Race horse “Traveler,” best 1 mile horse in the Hawaiian lslauds Bav horses brokeu to saddle and haruess \Vh5te mare wilh foal, brcken to saddie and harness Whiie herse, hrokeu to saddk aud hsrucss Stsnford mare “ llth Jun«,” «• “ with foal Bosw«ll “ 3 vears oid LEWIS J. LEVEY, Auctioueer