Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 2, 20 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Lost A GOLl> PIN s«t witfa Pearls SatnrJay afternoon on Emma 3treet, between tbe residence of Mrs. McCartney and Mrs Dole. A rewan.l wiH l>e P»id to the dnder. Address th’* offi:e. se!3 Iw Don’t Buy Second-hand Box Mattresses. a import!f<l trom the Coast, load d with vermin and perhaps infection IF YOU \VANT AN UpHO U S J E l\E D y f\E S S (Jo to a respectable Dealer anil one made new. If the pub'.c knew as mueh about the e.)nstraction of BOX Mattresses as they ought, they would nDt Buy fhem. They are miserable frands at their best, you eannol tell what ■ they staflVd with. They are eum- { ber?ome, unelean and unheaithy, j aud are at least 30 years behind , the Ags,* eannol be purchased in a i ilve g > ahead plaee in the East. - Bay - K Wdveīi Wire

Mattress i ! ** ' i •• and be well abreast \vith the times j and when bnying ask for Bailey’s Honolulu made, iSou-corrosive | Solid Corafort Spring i3eds, then j you will not be troubled with a bill of repairs every few months. ' Buy a Woven Wire Mattress, A Xon -Corro6ivo Maiieoi'a, A Honolulu Made Mattress, A Good Wholesome MattressJ i Not a Box Mattress. For sale by all respectablo dealers in the city and by W0VEN WIRE BAILEY, Hotel Street, Honolulu, (next door to Horn’s Steam Bakery.) aug 14-lra Extra 0RD!NARY Good NEWS for .... HOUSEWIVES and MATR!M0N!ALLY /NCUNED MEN. i S. Kubey & Co..

No 418 Nuuanu street, opposite Central Meat Market Secoml Hand Furniture Dealers. have irapirted an er«orraous amounl of FURNITURE ! From tbe Ooeai Tbey are prepared lo SELL the Best Articles at LOWEST "PRICES Money is tigbt, and none of us bave more tban we know wbat to do with. KUBEY & CO. realize this, and are decreasing profits lo suit the times If you know the value of money deal with S. KUBEY A CO, for in their store, Ooe DolIar goes further towarJ buying FURS1TURE than tbree at anr other plaee in tbe town On Satorday evoningi, opea to 9 P.K. Don’t f ;>rget the addrtss S. KOBEY & CO., Oppo. C«ntral M. M<irkct P,S. Perst»n* faaving Furaitore 10 aell, wiii do well by caliing on us. aelO tf