Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 2, 20 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

290 Ring Up 290 United Carriage Company. M. REIS & J.C.QUINN G0NSA1VES \Uwsyi Korps ob » SoppĪT of the Best Ymm Soap lu Ca#es of 40., 4i 50, 00 »cd 70 B*rs eaeh; TIUS SOAP IS THE Finest Imported He:e. SPKCIAL PRICES FOR 5 CASES IN LOTS 1 IIS. AINSLE¥ t C01IP'S Celebrated Brands of SC0TCH WHISKEY Namely: BEN ALDOCHLAN. Ainsley’s OLl) Blended Glenlivet GLE ,NIOX Extra, Specia * GLENLION

SPECIAL LIQUEUR SCOTCII WHISKEY. j y38 !Cong Branoh Estal\|ishment. This First-Cl£ss Bathing ReSort has been enlargeT and is now open to the public, It is the best plaee on the island3 to enjoy a Bath, and there ia no better nlaee to lay off. Special accommodations for La - dies. Tramcars pass the door every half hour, and on Saturdays and Sundays every fifteen miuutes. C. J. SHER\VOOD, jy24 Proprietor. (TejJJJERCI7iIi JJHCK COKSEB 0F Nuuanu and BeretaniaStreets. 561 Telephoxes:-> 561 GOOD, RELIABLE and jy2T tf C1VIL DRIVERS.

POUND MASTEKS NOTICE Sodoe is berebr girea to ali persoos that ther* are it the GoTemment Poand at Makiki, 1 retAiorae, brai<led AF on left htad leg, while «pot on head; 1 b«j horye branded SO, on rij;bt side. one vhite leg, an l • whit« spot on head; 1 Mare, no brand; 1 bov hine branded HA on left hind hip. WB Acv persoa or penona onming lhes« borses are reqnested to eome and take the same on or before 12 o’eloek noon, SATUKJDAY, SEPT. 28. 1SW. Wm. KAAPA. Ponnd Master. Makiki, Sept. 20, 1«U. sept. l-lv VINQ-i-F/T-:-CH^N —; FURHTURE DēALER5. Beg lo iaforra the pnhlio that they hara openeU a Braacli Store it No. 322, Nūuanu Su \Vh«re ther earry a eompkie line of BKDR«X>M SETS. CBA18S, TABLES, WARD80BES. STAKDS, Ete_ Ete.. Ele. Finllarf aud 6(MllW«kM*( ■1 R«u>oublr K»tMVING FAT CHAN» Faeto»y. con»*r of Ktng and Bethel 8ueeU. sept 6-3ms