Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 2, 20 September 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Fire, Life & Malrine INSURANCE. HARTFORD FiRE INSURANCE C0.. Assets. $ 7,109,825. london-lancashire fire ixs. co.. Assets, $ 4,317.052.00 THAMES-MERSEY MARIXE IXS. CO.. c Assets, ? 6,124,057.00 XEW YORK LIFE IXSURAXCE CO.. Assets, $137,499,198.99 C. O. BERGER. General Ageot £or the llawaiian Isftcd?, !!• nolulw c \\ t E. 8( Bf^o IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Groceries, l?rovisions A.vn !Teed, *EAST C0RNER F0RT & KfNGjSTS. New Goods Rec'd By every Packet from the Easteru States and Europe. Fresh California Produce by ever\’ steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, aud Goods delivered to any part of tho city FREE 0F CHARGE. Island Ordors Solicitod. Sat siuctiou Guai.intetd. Post Olliee Box No. 145, īeleplione No. 92. THE H0N0LULU_S0AP H0USE. Solls the very best quality of S0AP nt ?4..V> p< r 101 poun>ls and 17 l>ars of 25 pound» honest welght for 11.25. OEKMAN BLL'E CASTILE SOAP, manufactnred l.y Graus Bros., Mannheim, Gennany, at 10 ccnt» por ponmL T0ILET SOAP, rctail at wbolesa1e ]>rice«. SOET SŪ.VP in tins of 42 pounds, SL25. STEARIC WAX MINFXG CANDLES, manufactui> d b\ the £mrey Caudle Works of Cincinatl, Ohio, 12 Candlea for 25 cents. KIAM'E FIRE WOOD, SI0 i>er cord. The same cut in blocks ofI2 inches long at anv quantitv from $1 up. Delivered frt-e of charce to anv ] art oiT;;e citv. KIAWE eiIAKeOAL at 40 cents a sack. Richmond. Va.. CEDAR WoOl) POI PAILS finish> >1 willi bra-- lioop?. Sroall si*e 50 eents; larj;e size 75 ccnts. Emply Vinegar aud Wine BAKREL8 as water reeeivera at $1. KITC1IEN SALT in sack#of I00_pound?, 50 rt- TABLE S.VLT givcn away. Hiirhcst cash price paid for H1DES, SKINS aud TAi.LOW. TllREE (3) PACKAGES, coulaining 30 BOXES of T0K10 PARL0R MATCHES, onh TEN CENTS. X- 13 i iEH AM, Mutu.il Telephoue 314. Bethel Street ang0 I' 0. B.)X 4S0. Mltual Telephoxe 245. The Clieapest Plaee on tbe Islands to Buy NewandSecond Hand Fnrnitnre IS AT THE CORNER OF King &. Nuuanu Sts. I X L Honoluiu H. I. j.v20 S. NISHIMURfl, Commission Merchant, 19 Strtvt, Houohiia. IHTORTERS and DEALERS in 2APAN tea dry goods, , SILKS and PROVISlCNS. »*w Uoodi b) Everjr Mrtmrr, Muleal TelptMae. 317. nep*. 6--tf. SMOKERi=, ATriLNTIOX. HoIlUttr A Co. haw nxvīwvi a fojrtht*r sap|dy of tho celebn»t«*i O. B. D. pipes difect fron» the f*ct'»ry »» vrell u a new 8tock oi aruber aa<J uu*ersehaoia cig»r aad c!g-.ircti« hoidcrs. --*so malehe». * ■. x ■ . PANĪHEON 8ALOON, FORT AND IlōTEL STS. Headanarters Eitgrpms Eiwli Co. 7UB Largeit Gonsigunicnt of Beer that ever arnved here, no7r on Draught i. DODD, Ftop’r SI\G m:s KEE, TINSM1TH a sd DEALER IN TIXWARE. Piping Laid and Uepeired. All Orders l'rotnpt;y Attecdcd to. Ch.argt-s Very Moderats. C»H and See U?. No. 232 M iunakea St., lloouiula. iy20 Im