Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 2, 20 September 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

It is no wouder tbat the Advaii*er is angry with Emmelulh aad even tries to kill him politicaljy. Mr. Emme’.uth has uot danced on roses since he joinod the republic. Ho weut into tbeir con j>any as au onthas!ast and a believer m tbe alleged honesty of the auue\ationists. He has ; i'oaml that uothiug bas been gained and that he bas been foo!ed. Mr. £mmelutb. bowever, is not | to bechokcd because his opponents ; are rocm-mates and Armstroug and lioweli sleap in tbe same bed. Mr. Kmmolatb Ulks for the benefit of deccnt goverument, Mr. Armstrong for—Arm- > strong.