Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 3, 21 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

7!k !blamin 6alrniac. SE:’T 21, 1«H.

\ ■ ■ ro»r. j>A VAL VIKSEU. ; K M S I T»einth, M»y. Empimall. B. C. MEKTHAVT«*.V. > Vtne S C AlWn, TLonap«on.iS*n Fmn k s !■•». Ti' , tn*nn, I irerpool. . i r \\ ST»lbot, B l ohum,Ncw<'»*U« K S W. :i K K1’ liilhei, vt,,rri«on, SF. • v Piiuter. Dot, Lys*n Is’.fuiA. D Krv»nt. .laeolwwn, 8 F. k\. ity. M«rtin, Hongkong. H.iiw rt Lewem, Goodman, W« hington , Mmani, Bmwn. Newc»*tie, N 8 W. K:. bk Miulha Davi<l, Cetuax B. C. ti;; bk Ceylo». San I ranci«ei. S, S. Anstmli», S«n Franciasoo Lmtua C4audin* Nela-on, Faug s Isl. roRn«« vcmcu FXPE« rr.B. t:. bk W S Phelp* Gray’a Har Due !; M S " Von. wai Sy<lney.... Sept 20 - : lt->liert Lewers... Gruy’H'b’r Doe [ir - p Ormara Neweaatle Ang. 20 - i.r S<«<lie ...8F Kah)....Ang. 20 »4098 B«-lgio Yokohama.. Ang. 21 itk l D Brvaut 8 F Ang. 22 I; MS S A(aripoaa....8ydney... .Aug. 23 «; N \vi:«»x iliddlcaborongh.Ang25 , \SSArawa Vaa<»nver... Ang. 24 J ' s Alameda S F Aug. 30 A8 " Wanimoo Sydney Ang. 30 I' 11 8 8 China Sa’n Fjan. ...Sept. 3 Bktn<-John Smith NeweaaUe. .Sept. 4 jer bk Paul Iseuberb.. Bremen... ,Not. 1 b.uk Itoatenbeck Liverpool. ..Nov. 23 fori;m, s .n.%11* >»rRVirE. St«anmhipe will Ieavc f«»r and arr ve :n.!!i San Krancisco and other foreign ; rts, on or at»nt the following dates, [ill the eloee of 1894. LtAVF. IloNOI.CLrDCK *t Hovolclc n,H SaV pKANnaeO. Fm. Sas Fh\ncmcd ok Vancocvf.r. or Van< ocver. AuKtralia.....Jane23 Anstralia Jnne 16 Mon wai June28Arawa June 23 \Varriiuoo July 1 Mariposa July 5 Anstra1ia July 21 Au»tralia July 14 Alameiia Jnly 26 Wanimoo.. .July 23 Arawn Aug. 1 Monowai Aug. 2 Au''mlia....Ang. 18 Au»tralia Aug. 11 Manp sa Ang. 23 Arawa Ang. 23 WaniiiM».... 8cpt. 1 Alauieila.,,, Aug, 30 Au»tru!i* Sept. 15 Australia Aept. 8 M :.owai..,.8*-pt. 22 Wanimoo.. .Lept.2ā Arawa Oct. 3 Maripo»a Lept. 27 Auntralia Oct. 10 Au8tralia Oct. 6 Al nueda Oct. 18 Arawa Oct. 23 Wanimoo Nov. 1 Monowai Oct. 25 An»tniiia ...Nov. 10 Australia Nov. 3 Marij*o»a Nov. 15 Alameda.... NoV. 29 Arawa Dec. 1 Waninioo.. .Nov. 23 Au»tralia Dec. 8 An»tralia Doc. 2 Monowai Deo. 13 Mariposa Dec. 20 Wammoo....Dec. 30 Arawa Dec. 22 Australia....Dec. 81 Kn. Reqna of iheEmpireSaloon ha« made a new deal whieh will touch the hearts, or at lenst the palates of many athirsty wanderer. Ho keepe *‘half-and-half on dranght aud serves a most de lieiouH aud eool boverage, far superior to “plain beer. po 17 tf J. J. Williams the well-kuown Aitistic Photographer is making a spocialty of portraits on Watch Dials and Silk Handkerchiefs. Complete sets of Lantern slidos lecturos ean be bad at the gallery. For they aro sold at a roasonable ligure by the dozen or by the hundred. S<»ft “oap uian’s Cocktail 5 cents a glass sold only to salvations etc., Bothel K&ll, Bethel Street N. BREHAM. Bethel St. Mutual Tel. 314. aup 22 *

CARD OF NOTICE. gcharf C >»ill remove Arlington Block Holel SUeet. where they will he better able to serve ami pleaae their Patron8. WiU keep on haiul «11 the latest l>«l>er8. _ llook Sutionery, Poriodica!8A Novelti<.s, in all branche8 of the trade. se 14 tf dūURT I . — 0F THE — [1AWJ\11J\N $LA|iI$. IN PROBATR in tb* m*ttrr of tb« e*tmte of R6m M*liewo. Uie of Honoinlo, tWiu, <k*«Med. inOn tbr ir»ding md th« petitioa of MKS NANCT STIU.MAS of s»id Honolain. mUcsriog th«t Ko*r MoUeno «f *«5d Honolulu. di«l iuieM*tc ut «dd Hoooiulu. ou thr 4th «U» of Febru*rr. A. D. IHW. »nd prujin K thut Lrurr» of AdmU)i*tr»tioo i**uc to ber, cuid Nnm Il 1< onierrd« th*t on FKIDAY. Xht Sl»l diT of sKi‘TEMBF.R. A. D. 18W, be *od brrrby t- *)>pointe(l for lu*riuc **id pellHoo. in the iourtroom ot Ihl* Court, ut Honoluiu, *t nhleli time *ud plaee ull per*on» coorrm*d w«v *’iprur *nd «how c»u»c, U unj U»ry h»vr, « in M;id ix-t;iion *h<>uld ool be *ruatrd. ('HAHUi* F. PSTEMO*. Cl«rk •u*.