Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 3, 21 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

u THE SUN” U ALL.” Mutuai Telepliono 814:.

T. Mmray h 1 >1 (o bf y njantl Ou thr 01*1 Maml, Xo. 44 Klng St.-—liis Rny iiohk as CARRIAGE AN» VAG0N 1' (jroes OnWhen the “PEOPLES’ PARTY" gets smashed he will be rcady to EEPA1R PA1NT AND TR1M IT At a lteasonable Figure. — No Extra Cbarge for Furnisbing tbem witb Cummon Sense. LET THEM RING UP MUIŪAL TELEPHONE 572. yj 1 >'.m Anchor-;-Saloon Ex “AUSTKALIA," Invoice of the World Renowned FREOFRICKSBURG * UGER BEER Ou draugbt and by tbe keg." Also, as a Specialty, Small Fresh Cal/forhia 0YSTERS, FOR COCK:TAl1LS mayl Sms CITYtCARRIAGECO. Corner KING and BETHEL St. C^XHītIA.GrES, AT ALL HOURS. Both Telephones No. 113. J. S. ANDRADE, Manager june 15-tf.

Choice jlorses -£ut -^“CLCtlon. ON' Saturday. - Sept. 29, at 12 o’eloek noon, I will sell at Public Auction in front of my Silt-s Hooiu without res< rve, the f«» ’I wing HarsES and Mares, _ f 1 Fami’v hlaek horse. 154 bauds 7 years old, br«)ken to harness and s idd‘.e 1 Rio h««rse " Tr.i\eler,” best i iniie l»orse in the Hawaiian 1 S' :)|lds 2 Bi«y ’norses broken to saddle and harness 1 Wb>te mare with foal, broken to s dd'e and barness 1 White horse, broken to saddle and barness 1 Stnnford mare “ llth Juno,’’ 1 •• “ with foal 1 Boswell “ 3 years old LEW1S J. LEVEY, Auctioneer.

1 I I Long Branch -8ATH)NG Establishment. This First-Claas Bathing Resirt haa been enlarged and is now oueu to the puhlie, It is the best plaee on the islands to enjoy a Bath. and there is no better nlaee to lay ofi. Special accommodations for L\dies. Tramcars pass the d >or every half hour, and on Saturdays and Sundays every fifteen miuutes. C. J. SHERWOOD, jv24 Proprietor. THE COMMERCIAL

3ALOON, Harry KLEMME, Manager Cor. Nnaanu «fc Beretania sts. Honolulu. H. 1. The Oulj Sportmg Hoase in Town. O. 1*. S. a Specialitv. LOHESGBIX LAGER |BEER, Alwavs on Draaght. 2 GLASSES FOR 25 CENTS. Best of I Yines, Liquors, and Ci£ars, always on hasd. inl tf To Let or Leo.se, A UOUSE oa Eln* Hwi, aext lo T. R. WdUt«r» PoaUininK |«Hor. dlnnin, room. >a<i tkree bedrcoBt«. br*idr» HuUn. b*lbroo-, motor* (oamlaM, l*telr ocrnpicd by Mr OeuUon. Aru*i*a «st«r Uld;«rent Boder«tc to rr*P0MiMrp«rtj. Addr«M AU&AUAM F£BSANDE2

Honoiulu Carriage Manufactory 90£ W. W. WRIGHT, PRorBirro«. * (Sncce»*or to G. ( 'aRRIAGE BLTLDIXG *JfD REPAIR1SG. V AU OrJer» from ihe Olher l»liod« in Uie C»rridjre Buildlng. Trimmiog aod Painting Liae »ill Meet wilh Prompt AtU‘otioo. BUrksmithiog in All It» V*rion» Brnncbe» Donc. P. O. Box *JL Now |2S *nd 130 Fort Strect. Jjl» Ij W. S. LUCE 'Wine and Snirit Merchant Campbell Fire-proof Block, MERCHAKT ST.. HOEOLULU. 71 : BOTH TELEPHONES s 71 -COXSOLIDATED—SODA W.VTER WORKS -:- 00. (Lmnra>.) * Gust. A. Mauer, HAWAUAS HOĪEL BARBEli Ladies Skampocing a *pecialty. Honolulu. aug4.