Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 3, 21 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Benson, Smith & Co., The Corner w DRU6 STORE Pai’e Drugs, Piue Perfumes, P rompt Attention, Low Prices Comer Fort & Hotel Sts. «ul ARRIVED Pē(^‘V s TV U V” ā French aml Scotch Gingharas (new) lOo.. ‘20c. aml 2.*»c. Victoiia Lawus (new), 10 yds for White Di-ss Goods (new) .. 10c., lōe., 20c.. 3»V.. 3'>o Wbite and Colored Diinities f new} *20c. aud _.>c Llanuelletts. all colors, (new) 10 yds for $1.00 old inaxim—“There is nothing new ander the snn” —knooked out. Call and be convinced. / M. S. LEVY, Who ia now settled iu Benson, Smitb & Co. ’s 01d 8tand, Fort Street. HOLLISTER & CO. Importers, Wholeaile an<l Retiil I)ealerslin Pine Ciēraxs, SrcxolxirLg* Xo"toacco, anu SrrLo3xers Agents for the Celebrated a. 13. X>. PIPE8, MADE IN PARIS. H|ī PDEIFIED WAl'EE. §1» L'SED BT THE OONē)UDAfED SODA WATER WORKS COMPAXY—Limited. TJd.O'y\ CE , \a.xrLislr tjae FoxxxxtaiJDte T±xxo\xglxo'a.t, ! tk.e|fiCit3r, EICBPTING ONE I *ug7 , ■ - i\- **