Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 3, 21 September 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

, IN SUT \ NC E,^ FIRE AND MAPINE i llE i M)KRSIONKU IS A<mii>RlZKU T\KE FiBE i>r» MaKINK R1SKS ON Buildiiurs, Merchandise, , 1 iulls Carsroes, | Frei<zhts and Commissions AtCiirront Ratos, in tlie F61lowing Cos« naxely: BOY.\L INSCRANCE COMPANY, LIVKRPOOL, \LLIANCE ASSURANCk FIRE & MAKINE, LONOON, OF MADGKRl RG GENEB.\L 1NSI'RANCE CO. SCN INSCRANCE COMPANY, S&N FKANCISCO. .1. AA 1 iIvLR, geif, for the Hawaiian Islands.

ORmVAY k PORTER, Kohinmu Block, HoUl S(. t hctueen Fort aml Nuuanu, Jusl Ecoeiv.il, ]er Iate Airiv«l8, tl t 5 » fcicck e f fXE \ NITUBG Evt-r ImpOrte.l to this Country, C*mprising Hi 'z ndsome Carved Bedroom In Solitl Oak, ando/ ihe LA TEST DESĪGNS. GSP£C1AL ATTENTION IS CALLED T0 THESE SETS: WICK.ER WARE, Beaut ful Des:gns of WiclT r Ware, consisting of SOFAS t CHAins. ROCKERS. etc.,vou ean get tho.se in »ny . FIN1SH you desiro.

Countle.> SS JET3U -H- *—» 9 mimbers of CHAIRS, in evorv style, iiielii'iiup OFFICE and H1GH CHAIRS. T,-5rT:piTSI01T Wo liuve luul a of calls for tbeso lahlo», vrith CHAIRS to matcu. Wo have now in stock the xīiost BEAUTIFUL 0INING ROOW! FURN1TURE £VER SEEN HERE. * Sideboards and -:- Ohiffoniers īrI3 X MĪ’A. y Divans cover< d \vitli P01lilElvS aro boC'>ntiii{? i®ii nhiee of LOUNGES —we manufacture ti.oio laigo stook of POilTIEllS to sehct froiu. iie the rago in to ordor, aiul h:\ve a B3DID‘IITG-. Gro t Assortiut ut of \\ 0\ i.' , > IKE MAl 111ESSES Spring, Uair, Moss Wool aml Straw Mattrossos ou Laml aud iuade to order. ‘UVE GEESE FEATHERS md SILK FLOSS for lM ows. CKIBS, CKADLES, otc. WINHOW SHADES of all colors aud siz s. COKMCE POLES. in «-ood or br ss tntnmiugs. i 1 Muttresses, Loung- s ,nd ull UphoIstered Furnttare repaired at reasouable i>.tes. CABINET MAKINO. in all its branches, by Comj>otoiit Workmon. M vm>G LA1D d Iut rior Decor.iti gu; lor the Saporvision of Mr. GEORGE OKUWAY , Our Gooda are F rst CHss, and <ur pricos are tue lowcst Come und bo convinced —a tri <1 is s »licited. 13ell o’iō. TELEPHOKKs: Muluai 64ō. OKDWAY »v POKIEK. lb.binson Block. helweon Fort aud Nnuanu

Telkpiiokes; Bell 351 417 Kesidence: Mutual 410 P. O. Box 117 F. B. THOMAS, C0NTRAGT0R and BUILDER Kstimates Griven on A-U Ivind.s OP ■S, IR0S, 3® S WD8N BUHBGS All Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Tradc # Attended to. KEEPS FOR SALE; Bnc*. uim», C«mont. Iron Stone Pipe and Fitting8. Old A New Corr«g*to*l lrcn. Muxton.TUes, Qjarrv Ti’es, sssorted aud coiors; * ' OaliloiaU and Mouterey band, Gmnite Carbing *nd Blocks, etc.. ete. t Corncr King Smith Sts. OFPlCE dt YARD:*Office Hours. to i* M., ( »»o 4 P I ā.