Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 3, 21 September 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Removal ' Hust ace & Co, H.WK MOVCD TO —- Morgan's - Aueiion - Rooms for»5bort fi«. wtv«»inrtr»* Departure Bay COAL ] ClIARCOAL, ALGEROBA aml KINOLINO WOOD in *nv q«antiU. Both Telephonvs 414 * 0i *’ POUNM) MASTER S N‘OTICE. N*otioe Ls kereby peeu U' «1! l'ersou> th.st here tue at the Government 1 onml -.t Maiki two stravel bulls. 1 Wao*. bull irandfd Rou right hin.l leg- ipmeohn;. irand indiscribaīble on r „. Vnv pers-*n .*r ivrsons owm>; these bnl.mjnest*d to eomo *ud take the s«me on >r l*efore 1*2 o’eloek noon, ri.VTlhlAi, ;FPT 15 ls'U. * J.VMES KUKONA. l*ound Ma.ster. M.ikiki. Ang. .10. 1S'H ang»)-lwdy Pioneer Shirt Factory ESTABLISHED IS*T. A. M. MEĪ.L1S. Prorrietor. 5IS Fort St., llonolnlu, (Upsl*ir«) Good Fit C0NS0LIDATED SODA W.\TER CO. (Limittkd.) E S 1‘ I. A N A D E = Cor. Allen and Forl M*. r : Ilonol.ilu IlOLMSTEK * C0.. 4grnt«. F0R 8ALE. A FINE “ MIDNIGHT ” STALLION colt belonging to P. D. Isenberg the oolt eanho aeen nt the PAN IHEON STABLE from to-monww. “•

The White House! 118 Nuuanu Avenue, 'HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANCS \ Fir?t-clas [!ou?e IN EVERY BESPECT. Roois froi $1-50 to $3.00 ner Weet or 50g. per Day-

PAUL LEMKE, PROPRIATOR. Bell Teleph-nc 132. aug 22 NOTICE T0 Visitcrs. Pienie Parties, Luaos —ANDGEXERAL PUBLIC! ' »3 -TfVV XV 3 At S3CITH*S 8t T 3 AVO 1.IV(RY SfABl.E. Kixo Street. [A ij.>ir.ing M>:tf pohlan Meat lL<rkt:t.} ls lbe Cbeo.pe»t Plaoe in Town /ou oan get Basses, Wogonetie«, Baggr«« and Sad<i> Horse». it srii) pay yoa to eal! and aee betore yon lry «laewhew. Mulual Telepbono 408 ngl-tf Cv.ifofWA FlJ'T Eyc., C«raer Kin? *o«l AUk«a ?*trm*. hmm -:- Miwratofs V By Every Steuner fro« S*n Fntcelaeo, wttb Fresh Fruif, Oysters, Sa!mon, Pou/try, >*» Etc., Etc., Etc. »«P» «, 9*- ly.