Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 3, 21 September 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

THX)S. 1. \ N A V ’3-»> Merch»ijl Street. Honoiulu V v G"hl. Silver aad Dia>»ond^. Jewe!rv Manuf *c»ure l > or»ler. Watche$ c!eaued aud rv-i>uireJ 5JPV.Ji in aml s*“4-tf. p!otel AHULUI. MAUI. Sm* Si|lq, PKOPKIAĪOK *ept 7—tf t WE IJTVITE ALL SMOKE To eall and inspe<'t oar late imponalion of tho celebrated G. B. D. p pes, cigars aml cigarette holders. IIOLLI<>Ti:KSrO. 71;BOTH TELEPHONES;71 —COSSOLIDATED—SODA -WATKR WORKS C0. . (Li»rrrrKn.l Gust. A. Mauer, \hAWAIIAX IIOIEL EAIUiEIl ĪMdie3 Shampooing a speci\alty. Honolulu. aug4. Chas. G\ilick NOTARY PUBLIC For the Islaml of Oahn. i Agent to Take AckaowleJgnaents to Labor Gontracts. ; Ageut to Grant Marriage Lieen ses. Honolulu, Oahn. ' Agent for tho Haw’n Islamls of Prrr fc Scott’s Freight aml Parcels £xpress. Agent for the Bnrlington Konte !Real Estate Broi6r aail Generai Bell Tel. 348; Mut. Tel. 139; P. O. Boi 415. ; OFFlCE: No. 38 MERCHAM Stro»*t Hnnolnlu ĪT ' loVeJoy &co t Wf}ūle0ale Wii|E \ . I LiquoP Oealei 1 ? 19 Nuuanu Street We \voul(l e.-ill y>\ur attention to Our Sptcial Braml-< Longfife Pure Cream RYE WHISKEY. Fredericksburg Beer • au‘2 in caslt»cr botl!c? Y. LUM 8INO, Dealer in Frnita and Groceries. Fresh Frmts by Every California Steamer, Ere»b lalaml Batter frora Huw.iii. 135 Fort Street. Coffee Boasted. P O. Box 169 Fresb Island Prodoce, Qoods Delivered to Any Part of the City, " jy21 Tai Wo Wing Kee Co. « NLI ANU STREET Dea!ers in LaJies’ & GeuU' Bx>ts and Shoes m&>ie to ord« r. P O Uox 13» CHIN KEE. HORSEBHOElNG SHOP, Maunakea a Pauahi Street. Sf w a!S ron n ( $ I 30 :OUa»l«U >001*1 100 Neit Door to No. 5 Eeauw Uooao. •agl|