Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 3, 21 September 1894 — THE ELECTRIC ROAD. [ARTICLE]


Conlrar> to whai w*8 expectc<l * bīll relating to t\e incorporation o( (D i'lcctric Vil* r '*)r conx~ f pany was )irvMnted\t tbe roect- ;J inp o( the Conncil»- yestenl»y, by , Mr. Waterhoose. We thonght it . wa« nnilewloe-il lh*t no uiōve | shoul<l be madc in regard to the » proposc<l roa<l nntil tbe regolar , Iegislatnre roeet anei we -re snr , pnhcd that Mr. W aU*rhonsc m , apite o( tho prouonnced oppcsi- ( tion fowanls the ‘ r8ilro*<lirig of snch a measare by a non-re- , prcsentative eouneil shonl<l ha'e dared to present bis hill. Tho Schuetzeu Clnb sent in tbe : j to!lowing prokst whieh was read , and tabletl j HEAWA«TEK“ OI the Inwe-I? XaTIOS.M. S* HCKT7EX Cu c, i 1 llonolulu, Sepl 17. 1894. i’| To the Executivo au<l A<lvisor>' e’oonoilH of tbe Uepuhlie of ! * Uawaii. 1 At tho mectit g of thelnter- ( nalional ?clnut/.n Club hel.l ( Sept«mber 17, 1894, the f>»Howing t rc«olntion adopted: (. Whereos. A potition i» before • tho Advi*ory Oouneil for consid- j eration, pr»yi -g for the gtuntir.g , 1 of nn cxclusive frnnt'hise f> r Ihe ( i conslnict:on <»f an elcctric strcet i railway; an<l \Vhēreas. Tlie petitionern anresi<lents un<l capitalists t»f this coinrounity agprcgitiug seventy- ( throe uiimea; nnd } < Wheieas, We nro fully aw“ire t from experionco of tho disaster ol i . tho i>copl<“ whieh usnally lollowa aeheine *'raiSroadetl through;i { aml | f W*bcrens, We have scen the t (olly «f granting franchis<s nut;l the wholo work is completed, as so mauv are obtainod f »r the 8o»o and oujy pmpono o( snie. and for * koopinp olhei s who wouUl eom- i plete the work; aml t Whereas. We believe tho bost ( intcrestsof thc people won!d be servo.l bv lonving tiiis iinportnut i«sue to their eleele.i roprescntativ<stho legisluturc; tberefore be i it HeeoWeil, That tho Scluiotzen Club eudorso soch moasure8 ' r»9 will promoto tho pvosj)©rity aml welfaro of tho inhnbitut>ts of these islands, but vigorotssly protcst.« against grnn;ing auv exclnsive franchise by tho Advisory Counci‘; aud it is furthor Ucsolved, Thnt a banking hooae , of Honolulu shnll lmvo tho custo<ly of snid franchiso, lo be by j theiu deliv<Tcd to tho j)orsouS named horeiu U| on tho eomple- j tiou aud snccossful trialoperntioD of the work for whieh tho frauebiso is ta be granted, i»nd the accvpt»nce of tho samo by the Oovornmeut, uml iu case tl>e tenni of tbo conlract are not fully complied with, tho said franehiae to bo retnrned to t'ie Govommeni. Gko. Caven\ou, S< cretar>' 1. S. C. The Adv- rt - fvols very hilarious o\er tho resolntion and indnlg09 iu sucers nnd rid eulo. The resolutiou might have been j bettor worded aud it might havo eome from jH;o]i'.e with moro weallh than is enjoyed by the | mombers of Iho Verein but it contains some vcrv piain aud • good seuse and is basod oa a piineiplo that is g »ining grom»d all over the world. Th« clob neod not worry over the opposition of the A(fc£W»scr. The <ditor of that j>a|H?r i» ono of tbo promotors of the schemo and i tho name cf CasUe apj>earing j amonp the jH,'tit;ouers for the frauchise was not plami there ! bocause the s>udicate needod i tho money whieh the said Caslle \ ba»n tgot or tbe brain whieh he l never had. Ue is simply the missionarv M lmr’’ whieh will bring tbe govcrnment to terms and willing to e\l«nd all possible privilogus. A 6peculativof L auehi&e is a cor- j n jn moasufe and we fully bc- 1 licvc with/ the Scbuc(con Club that tbe syndicate is 1 t>f the spe<( ilating gonus «ndtmly j iuUuds to barter away wbat rights they mav obtaiu through : the puil of the (ami)y comj>act. j I( the Execotive Coancil to. whieh the bill of Mr. V\ «terhoase Laa been referr©d does not changc j their view &s expressed by Doie

aad l>nni a tbe seeters for electr»c franrhi«es will bave to wait j njitil the raatter i» folly sift«d aud appr \by t e representatlT, * of tb «t portion of tbe r«ople ulo ar ’ eaiitled ani willing to v <>' The c«ra|>«ct in U»e meantirue «II bave to wait pat cntly for « char.ce to m>te boodle and 611 their pockets by swindūng > tbe people uu.i bnil*ling cleotric ro«d» —on paj>cr: