Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 3, 21 September 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

FOK S/\LE k — A Complete Hunting Outfit. Oue lriah Setter bitch of the ; best blood in America; registered in the A. K. S. P>. nnd j»f*rtiy broken. One Poioter b tch by tbe ce!ebr»ted Glenboīgh that C(8t S1000 in EngUnd. One l’np liva weel <>;<I faiher and mothcr thoroughbreeds. Ooe Hoekhoa/l bailtes|'f n iall\' . for hantirg porf-oses. One li! g.»uL. C. tli gn as good as ne«f and in fioe order. | The ubove outfit will be soM eheap Enqaire of w. h/cunningham, Auchor Siloon. sepl9 tf 5" V > e e V irSATOSSUP % Sometimes \vhere to go to pnri cbase any part,iculir article, but not if you happon to want an\*thing in the liue of • i Suppll2s, Pictu?e pr2mes, i! ,1 or eularged portraits, thero is | but one plaee in Honoluln, fo | pnrchase ail materials, and that‘s * KING BEOS.' Store, for whieh rival on the3© t there is no f < IsUnds. The finest paintings in Hawaii, 1 1 aro on exhibition in lhis ga!Iery. r ' The firm makes a specialty of enlarging portraits as weii as making pictnre frames in the ven- latest sty!es of moaldings. In the sheet pictarcs, they ; have thonsands to select from of 1 whieh thev iavile an inspection at anv iime. 11 K1XG BROS-., } i Hote! Street. : H.-noluI;i i aug. 2ō-liud;y.